AAHD Launches 2014 Membership Campaign

AAHD is excited to be launching its 2014 Annual Membership Campaign this month. Your support is crucial to AAHD’s ability to continue its important work in the coming year. Our mission is to promote the health of children and adults with disabilities, reduce health disparities and advocate for community inclusion and full accessibility at the national, state and community levels. AAHD continues to be the only national organization dedicated specifically to disability and public health and is a leader in information dissemination.

Your $100.00 annual membership helps support AAHD initiatives and programs (www.aahd.us/initiatives), such as the AAHD Scholarship Program, Project Accessibility USA: Removing Barriers for Women with Disabilities, the AAHD Health Promotion Resource Center, the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative, and other important projects that promote health and wellness for people with disabilities

As a member of AAHD, you will receive the Medline-indexed Disability and Health Journal www.disabilityandhealthjnl.com;  ongoing programmatic, policy and research updates through AAHD list serves, webinars, and social media platforms; a strong voice on  Capitol Hill and with federal agencies and national coalitions; and the weekly electronic newsletter, Disability and Public Health in the Media.

Please consider joining AAHD! Visit www.aahd.us/membership to learn more about membership opportunities!