Week of Februrary 26, 2019

Disparities and Persons with Disabilities – Complex Interaction of Factors

February 15 DREDF diagram used as a Brandeis Univ MTLSS webinar slide (shared in last week’s news)
Learn more here.

The Least Healthy County in Every State

February 16 MSN.com shared Feb 19 by NACBHDD
Learn more here.

Improving Population and Clinical Health with Integrated Services and Decision Support

January 9 Robert Wood Johnson Systems for Action National Coordinating Center webinar slides
Learn more here.

Improving Population Health by Modernizing the Implementation of Clinical Guidelines

January 24 ASTHO blog
Learn more here.

Addressing Social Determinants and Its Impact on Healthcare

February 14 Governing Magazine announced IBM Watson Health paper
Learn more here.

Opportunities for Complex Care Programs To Address the Social Determinants of Health

February 21 Center for Health Care Strategies brief
Learn more here.

Understanding How High-Need, High-Cost Patients and their Caregivers Experience the Health System

January 24 announced Commonwealth Fund project resources
Learn more here.

Training Family Caregivers in Team-Based Shared Decision-Making

February 19 PCORI announced funded Caregiver Action Network project
Learn more here.

CAHPS Protocol for Obtaining Patient Comments About Their Care

Feb 14 AHRQ shared October 3 webinar resources – Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
Learn more here.

Which Care Models Are the Most Promising for Patients with Complex Needs

February 20 Commonwealth Fund guide
Learn more here.

Principles for Building Healthy and Prosperous Communities

February 19 TFAH shared Build Healthy Places Network principles
Learn more here.

Improving Community Health and Well-Being Through Policy Change

February 21 Trust for America’s Health report

Learn more here.

Which Health Care Issues Are Getting Governors’ Attention in 2019?

February 19 National Academy for State Health Policy featured story
Learn more here.

Faith-Based Organizations and Public Health

February 20 American Journal of Public Health March journal editor’s choice
Learn more here.

Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs – Updated Performance and Data

February 22 NASUAD Friday Updates shared ACL updates
Learn more here.

Deploying Community Paramedics To Address Medication Complexity at Home

January 30 Center for Health Care Strategies blog
Learn more here.

An Introduction To Health Economics and Value Assessment

February 19 National Health Council shared web-based learning modules
Learn more here.