Week of April 2, 2019

Annual RWJ County Health Rankings, 2019

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Measuring America’s Health

March 26 U.S. News and World Report analysis shared March 29 by NACCHO
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Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services Settings – Heightened Scrutiny

March 22 CMS State Medicaid Director Letter – posted March 26 on AAHD public policy updates webpage; also posted March 28 – HCBS Advocacy Coalition statement
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Strengthening Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports in an Evolving Policy Environment: A Toolkit for States

March Center for Health Care Strategies tool kit
Learn more here.

Collaborating on HCBS Workforce Challenges in Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports Programs

March 29 NASUAD and Sage Squirrel Consulting home-and-community-based services report
Learn more here.

Advancing Health Equity in Medicaid: Emerging Value-Based Payment Innovations

March 26 Center for Health Care Strategies blog
Learn more here.

Shared Decision Making – PCORI Funded Projects

March 20 PCORI funding summary from Health Care Innovation
Learn more here.

Patient Experience: Buzz Survey Report of Health Executives and Clinicians

March 27 New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst
Learn more here.

Gathering and Using Member Feedback in Health Plan Governance

March 27 CMS MMCO Resources for Integrated Care webinar materials
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Cross-Agency Strategies To Address Substance Use Disorder

March 25 National Academy for State Health Policy report
Learn more here.

Navigating Homelessness and Housing Needs Data: Tailoring and Driving Local Solutions

March 26 U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness blog
Learn more here.

Pregnancy and Motherhood in Women with Disabilities: Introduction and Opportunities for Local Health Departments

March 22 National Association of County and City Health Officials resources
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People with Disabilities Who Are Parents

HSRI-NASDDDS National Core Indicators new data highlight
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The Science of Well-Being and Why It Matters

March 27 NIHCM (National Institute for Health Care Management) Foundation webinar materials. Featured speakers – UC Berkeley; National Business Group on Health; BC/BS of Michigan
Learn more here.

Individuals with Disabilities and the Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Ohio Disability and Health Program, Ohio State University, fact sheet
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National Aging and Disability Transportation Center – Mobility Grantees Announced

March 27 Easter Seals-n4a transportation center announcement
Learn more here.

Tele-Behavioral Health: New Guide by NQF & AHA

March 26 National Quality Forum and American Hospital Association; there is a charge for the complete guide
Learn more here.

Consumer-Focused Health System Transformation: What Are The Policy Priorities?

March 22 Altarum and RWJ Healthcare Value Hub webinar materials
Learn more here.