Week of July 9, 2019

Infrastructure for Cross Sector Collaboration at Health Departments

July 3 ASTHO announced Journal of Public Health Management and Practice article
Learn more here.

Coordinating Community Planning for Transportation and Health

July 1 CDC shared JAMA article
Learn more here.

Health Center Performance Management – Incorporating Health Stakeholder Feedback

July 2 HRSA announced May 16 HRSA webinar slides and materials
Learn more here.

Patient and Family Engagement in Quality Improvement: Choosing Wisely in Georgia

June 27 Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) webinar materials
Learn more here.

Exploring The Impact of Integrated Medicaid Managed Care on Practice-Level Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health

July 2 Center for Health Care Strategies brief
Learn more here.

Outside the Box: Providing Mental Health Care for People Without Shelter

June 27 SAMHSA Homeless & Housing Resource Network webinar
Learn more here.

Medicaid Developmental Screening Policies by State

July 2 National Academy for State Health Policy announced featured chart
Learn more here.

Health Workforce – What Funders Are Supporting

July 1 John A. Hartford Foundation blog
Learn more here.

Health-Related Quality of Life and Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) – What Is the Difference

June 27 summary of a June 10 National Health Council webinar
Learn more here.

County-Level Differences in Drug, Including Opioid, Mortality

July 3 American Journal of Public Health article
Learn more here.

Rural Opioids Strategies – Growing Consensus

July 3 HRSA Administrator address and blog
Learn more here.

Effective State Medicaid Pharmacy Program

July 2 NAMD announced, New England States Consortium Supporting Organization, white paper for Medicaid and state agency personnel
Learn more here.