Week of September 3, 2019

Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) System Balancing: Characteristics of 10 States with the Greatest Change

August 13 CMS Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program announced April IBM-Watson Health report
Learn more here.

Self-Direction for Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid Utilizing Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS)

August 21 CMS MMCO-Lewin Group webinar slides
Learn more here.

Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Care Management Experience Survey: A Tool To Enhance Contracting Between Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) & Health Care Entities

August 22 ACL funded n4a Aging and Disability Institute webinar slides
Learn more here.

Community Integration Through Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) State Medicaid-Housing Agency Partnerships

August 28 CMS Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program announced June paper
Learn more here.

Assistive Technology and Community Living

August 29 ACL announced issue brief
Learn more here.

Mathematica for CMS – 2020 Medicaid & CHIP Core Quality Measures Set – Final Report

August 29 Mathematica for CMS announced Medicaid and CHIP core quality measures set final report
Learn more here.

Non-Medical, Health-Related Social Needs: Investing in Interventions

August 19 National Academy of Medicine announced workshop proceedings
Learn more here.

Aligning Health Care and Social Services – Insights for Grantmakers

August 28 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Chronicle of Philanthropy webinar slides, linking experiences with teir primer
Learn more here.

NIH All Of Us Research Program Expands Public Engagement Efforts

August 26 NIH announcement
Learn more here.

Engaging Patients in Their Care Decisions To Promote Better Health and Well-Being

July 26 AHRQ blog
Learn more here.

State Opportunities To Support Family Caregivers

August 15 Center for Health Care Strategies infographic and fact sheet
Learn more here.

Using (Mental Health) Peers To Support Re-Engaging Families

August 15 SAMHSA sponsored, NASMHPD-NFFCMH-MHA webinar materials
Learn more here.

Advancing Primary Care Innovations in Medicaid Managed Care: Toolkit for States

August 27 Center for Health Care Strategies tool kit featuring the experiences of NY, OH, and OR. Previous CHCS work featured HI, LA, PA, RI, and WA.
Learn more here.

Facilitating Transformational Change in Primary Care

August 27 AHRQ blog featuring Annals of Family Medicine article
Learn more here.

Measurement-Based Care in Community Behavioral Health

August 16 SAMHSA-APA SMI Adviser project webinar slides
Learn more here.

Rural Health – Collaboration and Coordination Guide

August 15 HRSA announced guide
Learn more here.

Rural Areas – Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery (Peer Recovery Support)

August 22 SAMHSA BRSS TACS webinar slides
Learn more here.

Workforce Matters: The Direct Care Workforce and State-Based Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Social Insurance Programs

July 29 PHI and Caring Across Generations policy framework
Learn more here.

Engagement in Religious and Spiritual Practices: Impact – Persons with ID/DD

August 24 HSRI shared National Core Indicators data highlight
Learn more here.