Week of October 15, 2019

Disability and Health CDC State Profiles – Updated

October 9 CDC Division of Human Development and Disability news announcement – adults age 18 and above
Learn more here.

What’s Next on Social Determinants of Health?

September 13 Alliance for Health Policy Congressional briefing materials
Learn more here.

Do Disability, Parenthood, and Gender Matter for Health Disparities? A U.S. Population-Based Study

October Disability and Health Journal article; there is a fee for the entire article
Learn more here.

Most Health Care Providers Do Not Screen for Social Determinants of Health

September 18 JAMA article shared October 4 by the ACL funded n4a Aging and Disability Business Institute updates
Learn more here.

People Dually Diagnosed with Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness – New National Core Indicators

October new HSRI NCI data brief
Learn more here.

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Physical and Cognitive Disabilities

September 17 SAMHSA announced new publication

Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: New Evaluation Reports for CMS Projects – MI-NY-SC-WA

September 24 CMS MMCO posted reports
Learn more here.

Health Systems Approaches To Preventing Chronic Disease: New Partners, New Tools, and New Strategies

October 3 CDC Preventing Chronic Disease editorial
Learn more here.

Use of Geographic Information Systems by State Mental Health Authorities

September SAMHSA-NASMHPD-NASMHPD RI-NCBH webinar materials
Learn more here.

Real-World Impact of Integrated Medical-Behavioral Health Care

October 2 National Council for Behavioral Health webinar materials
Learn more here.

Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement (PROM) Use Is Growing; but Implementation Takes Effort

October 3 New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst report
Learn more here.

Primary Care Measurement: What’s Working and What’s Not?

September 19 Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Future of HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness and Data Information Set)

October 4 NCQA announcement of website materials, including September 27 webinar
Learn more here.

Users of Family Caregiver Support Program

October 3 ACL announced data and profile
Learn more here.

Mayors’ Institute on Opioids: 12 Month Summary of TA – MA, NH, TN, WA, WI, WV

October 10 National League of Cities webinar – June TA summary report
Learn more here.

Opioids in Appalachia: The Role of Counties in Reversing a Regional Epidemic

May National Association of Counties and Appalachian Regional Commission report, shared October 11 by NACCHO
Learn more here.

Patient Portals and Primary Care: What Use of a Portal Could Mean for Your Patients

October 2 Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative webinar materials
Learn more here.

National Survey of Children’s Health

October 8 HRSA funded Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health announcement
Learn more here.