Week of November 12, 2019

Community Health Workers and Peer Providers: Mounting Evidence and Policy Recommendations

November 7 Families USA announced report
Learn more here.

Direct Support Professionals – Workforce Crisis

November 1 the Arc testimony at a Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Congressional briefing
Learn more here.

Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Direct Care Workforce

June 17 CMS MMCO Resources for Integrated Care issue brief
Learn more here.

Workforce Development: Recruitment and Retention in an Amazon World

August 27 ADvancing States HCBS conference workshop slides
Learn more here.

Home Health Care for Children with Medical Complexity: Workforce Gaps, Policy, and Future Directions

June Health Affairs article
Learn more here.

CMS Releases Medicaid and CHIP Scorecard – Second Version

November 7 CMS announced scorecard; the first scorecard was released in June 2018
Learn more here.

Public Health and Transportation: Collaborating Together for Community Health

October 6 DOT FTA funded National Center for Mobility Management webinar materials
Learn more here.

Driving Cross-Sector Partnerships: What Matters Most

November 5 Camden Coalition and National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs webinar materials
Learn more here.

Empowering Persons with Disabilities To Make Their Own Health Care Decisions

November 6 the Arc announced tool kit
Learn more here.

The Power of Person-Generated Health Data: 5 Ways To Improve the Care Experience

October 31 Academy Health blog
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Preliminary Findings from Recent CMS Evaluations

November 4 Community Catalyst and Commonwealth Fund report
Learn more here.

Health Homes – Washington State’s Home-Based Model

November 7 ACL funded n4a-ASA Aging and Disability Business Institute webinar slides
Learn more here.

Care Coordination and Persons with Physical Disabilities: Independence Care Systems, New York State

September 5 CMS MMCO Resources for Integrated Care webinar materials
Learn more here.

AAHD Launches Health Insurance Literacy Academy

October 10 AAHD NDNRC blog
Learn more here.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment – CMS Announces Medicaid IMD State Plan Option

November 6 CMS Medicaid Director letter; IMDs-Institutions for Mental Diseases
Learn more here.

Quality-Adjusted Life Years and Disability – NCD Report

November 6 National Council on Disability report
Learn more here.

Communicating in a Crisis: Risk Communication Guidelines for Public Officials

November 8 NACCHO shared October SAMHSA guide
Learn more here.

Substance Use – Find Treatment.Gov

October 30 SAMHSA announced new website
Learn more here.

CMS Releases Transformed Medicaid and CHIP Statistical Information System Data

November 7 CMS announcement
Learn more here.