Week of April 21, 2020

NQF Person-Centered Planning and Practice Final Draft Report – Public Comment Through May 15

April 10 ACL funded, National Quality Forum announced final draft report for public comment.
Learn more here.

Empowering Adults Through Supported Decision-Making in Home-and-Community-Based Services

March 19 ACL-CMS webinar slides
Learn more here.

Patient and Family Centered Quality Measurement Development

April 14 shared, PCORI funded, January 28 PFCC Partners-NQF-Discern Health report
Learn more here.

Stemming the Risk of Disability Bias During the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 8 Center for Health Care Strategies Dr. Lisa Iezzoni interview
Learn more here.

AAHD COVID-19 Disability Survey: Return by May 1

The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) is conducting a confidential, real-time online assessment of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on healthcare and healthcare access among persons with a range of disabilities. We have developed the COVID-19 & Disability Survey to collect and analyze that data. We are asking our colleagues to share the survey broadly amongst your constituents. Please use this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/COVID-19-Disability in your listservs, newsletters, social media platforms, and other print and electronic dissemination strategies to help reach the most people. The survey will be open from April 17th, 2020 to May 1st, 2020.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services and Supports: Keeping Essential Care

April 8 NHeLP blog
Learn more here.

Supporting Complex Care Teams During the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 10 RWJ Fd-Camden Coalition webinar materials
Learn more here.

SAMHSA National Guidelines for Crisis Care – A Best Practice Toolkit

April 14 NASMHPD webinar materials
Learn more here.

Social and Health Care Needs Are Intertwined. We Should Address Them Together. And, the Role of Government

April 6 Commonwealth Fund analysis
Learn more here.

Population Level Change: “Building the Field”

April 8 ACL funded, n4a Aging and Disability Institute announced Bridgespan Group paper
Learn more here.

Disparities, Inequities, and Neurological Disorders – NIH RFI

April 9 NINDS request for information; deadline is June 15
Learn more here.

Isolation and Loneliness Among People with ID/DD

April NASDDDS and HSRI shared National Core Indicators
Learn more here.

Addressing Social Isolation for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Crisis

April 10 ADvancing States survey results
Learn more here.

Social Isolation and Loneliness – Relationships To Health and Call To Action

April 14 Alliance for Health Policy webinar materials
Learn more here.

Providing Digital Peer Recovery Support Services

April 9 SAMHSA BRSS TACS webinar slides
Learn more here.