Week of May 19, 2020

COVID-19 and Disability Survey Summary Report

The American Association on Health & Disability is pleased to release the COVID-19 & Disability Survey Summary Report. The purpose of the survey was to conduct a rapid, real-time online assessment of the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on access to healthcare on adults with a range of disabilities & was conducted from April 17th – May 1st. You can read more about the survey and download the report on our website.
Learn more here.

Changes in Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) Programs in Response to COVID-19

May 12 ACL funded National Center on Law and Elder Rights and Justice in Aging webinar materials
Learn more here.

Community Living Engagement Toolkit

May 13 NIDILRR NARIC announced U Mass Boston ICI toolkit
Learn more here.

Enhancing Partnerships To Address the Social Determinants of Health

May 13 ACL funded n4a-ASA Aging and Disability Business Institute webinar materials
Learn more here.

Testing an Integrated Delivery and Financing System for Older Adults with Health and Social Needs

May 13 RWJ Fd Systems for Action Community Care Connections webinar slides
Learn more here.

Person-Centered Planning and Practice – National Quality Forum Draft Report

May 14 AAHD-Lakeshore Foundation-Altarum submitted comments on the NQF draft final report for public comment
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Detailed Demographic Data Collection, Analysis, and Public Reporting – Including Disability Status – Part 3

May 14 Disability and Rehabilitation Research Coalition, including AAHD, suggestions to Congress and HHS.
Learn more here.

Data Collection Provisions in the House COVID-19 HEROES Act – HR 6800 – Disability Status Missing

May 13 TFAH and APIAHF list of data provisions in the House COVID-19 Heroes legislation – no disability status included
Learn more here.

COVID-19 and Persons with ID/DD: Strategies To Help Address Social Isolation

May 11 NASDDDS-HSRI National Core Indicators data brief
Learn more here.

Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Opportunities for the Health Care System

May 15 National Academy of Medicine book for both purchase and free pdf
Learn more here.

How Are Non-Profits Dealing with COVID-19

May 13 National Council of Non-Profits posting
Learn more here.

The Role of Community Health Workers in the Latino Community with COVID-19

May 13 CDC NCOV announced webinar materials
Learn more here.

COVID-19: Advocating for Nursing Home Residents

May 8 Consumer Voice for Quality LTC and Justice in Aging webinar materials
Learn more here.

COVID-19 and Nursing Homes: A CMS Best Practices Toolkit

May 13 CMS announced toolkit
Learn more here.

Caregiving in the United States, 2020

May 14 National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP announced report
Learn more here.

Make Informed Decisions Related To COVID-19 and Mental Health

May 14 SAMHSA funded, APA SMI Adviser announced dedicated web page
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Impact on Our Mental Health System: Public Health Perspectives

May 4 ASTHO blog
Learn more here.

Using Medicare Advantage Plans Supplemental Benefits During COVID-19

May 12 Long Term Quality Alliance issue brief
Learn more here.

Using Medicare Accelerate and Advance Payment Program for Medicaid Providers, During COVID-19

May 13 Commonwealth Fund blog
Learn more here.