Week of July 14, 2020

Independent Living – Persons with Disabilities – COVID-19 Experiences

July 8 AAHD Discuss shared Collaborative on Health Reform and Independent Living (CHRIL) survey report
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Impact on Behavioral Health Crisis Providers

July 9 NASMHPD announced TBD Solutions survey report
Learn more here.

Ongoing Staff Development in Disability Services (Including DSPs)

July 1 Council on Quality and Leadership webinar materials
Learn more here.

Providing and Receiving Respite Care Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Voluntary National Guidelines

July 9 National Respite Network announced guidelines
Learn more here.

Accountability To Population Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Designing Health Care Delivery Within a Social Responsibility Framework

July 8 shared May 27 Population Health Management journal article
Learn more here

Social Isolation and Influence on Health

June 22 Health Affairs policy brief
Learn more here.

Health Equity in the Context of Context of COVID-19 and Disproportionate Outcomes for Marginalized Groups

July 6 National Academy of Medicine announced resources
Learn more here.

Aligning Health and Social Systems – Evidence-Based Home Visiting

July 8 RWJ Fd Systems for Action webinar slides
Learn more here.

Medicaid & CHIP Provider Relief Fund Fact Sheet – Applications Due July 20

July 7 CMS shared HRSA fact sheet
Learn more here.

Understanding Home Health vs Home Care

July 8 American Society on Aging family caregiver support webinar slides
Learn more here.

Community Health Workers: Health and Human Services Workforce Needs in the Context of COVID-19

June 30 Health Management Associates webinar materials
Learn more here.

Improving Care for High-Need, High-Cost Patients: The View from a Community Health Worker and a Social Worker

July 9 RWJ Fd and 7 Foundation Playbook blog
Learn more here.

Advancing Comprehensive Primary Care in Medicaid

July 7 Bipartisan Policy Center webinar materials, report, and press releas
Learn more here.

How Do Working-Age Adults with Travel-Limiting Disabilities Get Around

July 8 NIDILRR NARC announced Univ of MT Rural Institute article
Learn more here.

The Power of Telehealth in Primary Care: Pragmatic Adoption and Integration Across the Continuum

June 24 PH Institute and LuCa National Training Network webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Role of Telehealth To Increase Access To Care and Improve Health Care Quality

July 8 shared AHRQ June 9 webinar materials
Learn more here.

Addressing the Opioid Crisis: Innovative Programs Serving People Experiencing Homelessness

July 7 HRSA announced and funded CSH brief
Learn more here.

Treating Addiction Across the Care Continuum During COVID-19: Challenges & Promising Practices

May 22 National Academy of Medicine & ASAM webinar materials
Learn more here.