Week of July 7, 2020

Understanding the Direct Support Workforce in the U.S. for Persons with ID/DD

June 2 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Journal announced article abstract
Learn more here.

Direct Support Workforce for Persons with ID/DD – COVID-19 Survey Results

July 1 University of MN, Institute on Community Integration and NADSP shared survey summary
Learn more here.

Integrating Services and Improving Outcomes for People with Disabilities and Older Adults – ACL Seeks Input by August 31

June 10 ACL request for state opportunities strategic framework ideas and information; 10 areas are identified by ACL
Learn more here.

Social Determinants of Health, Emergency Department Utilization, and Persons with ID/DD

June 24 Disability and Health Journal article; there is a fee for the entire article
Learn more here.

Options To Support Medicaid Providers in Response To COVID-19

June 17 Kaiser Family Foundation blog
Learn more here.

Medicaid & CHIP and COVID-19 Responses: Additional CMS FAQs for State Agencies

June 30 CMS announced FAQs
Learn more here.

Caring for Older Adults with Complex Needs in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from PACE Innovations

June 30 RWJ & 7 Foundation Collaborative Better Care Playbook webinar materials; PACE – Medicare Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
Learn more here.

Behavioral Health and Primary Care During and After COVID-19

June 29 Primary Care Collaborative webinar slides
Learn more here.

How COVID-19 Exposed Gaps in Substance Use Care

June 15 ASTHO blog
Learn more here.

Improving Quality for Rural Communities at Risk of Opioid Abuse

June 30 Discern shared Pharmacy Quality Alliance annual conference presentation
Learn more here.

ONDCP Releases Rural Community Substance Abuse Toolkit

July 2 NASADAD shared ONDCP toolkit
Learn more here.

Supply and Distribution of Primary Care Workforce in Rural America

June 25 Federal Office of Rural Health Policy shared research report
Learn more here.

Technology-Based Outreach To Increase Access To Care and Support in Time of Crisis

June 30 SAMHSA-NASMHPD-FFCMA-MHA webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Evidence Base for Telehealth and COVID-19

May 15 AHRQ announced white paper
Learn more here.

Supporting Family Caregivers in Faith-Based Communities

June 17 AARP webinar video recording
Learn more here.

Role of Religion and Spirituality in Recovery and Serious Mental Illness

June 18 SAMHSA MH Technology Transfer Center Network webinar materials
Learn more here.

Social Risk and Medicare’s Value-Based Programs

June 29 HHS ASPE 2nd report to Congress
Learn more here.

Here Comes the Hard Part: States, Cities Face Grim Budget Picture as Many State Fiscal Years Begin

July 1 Governing featured story
Learn more here.

Ethical Issues in the Management of COVID-19

June 25 Network for Public Health Law webinar materials
Learn more here.