Week of July 13, 2021

Expanding the Scope of Disability in Public Health: Review of Public Health Perspectives on Disability

July 8 Disability and Health Journal book review on the new second edition
Learn more here.

Achieving Health Equity for People with Disabilities: During the Pandemic and Beyond

June 28 NIHCM webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Direct Support Workforce and COVID-19: Low Wages and Racial Disparities

June 30 NIDILRR NARIC announced Univ MN ICI policy research paper
Learn more here.

Workers With Disabilities Were Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic, But Stayed Engaged in the Labor Force

June 30 NIDILRR NARIC “Research in Focus”
Learn more here.

Preparing for the Next Pandemic: Strengthening the U.S. Public Health System

June 29 Bipartisan Policy Center webinar
Learn more here.

Health Rankings – Health Disparities 2021 Report

July 2 ASTHO shared United Health Foundation report
Learn more here.

Home-Based Primary Care

June 29 seven foundations funded, Camden Coalition-CHCS Playbook Better Care for People with Complex Needs announced resource collection
Learn more here.

Primary Care and Public Health: Sustainability Beyond Relief: Bolstering Our First Line of Care

July 7 Alliance for Health Policy briefing materials
Learn more here.

Implementing High-Quality Primary Care – Accountability

June 29 National Academy of Medicine webinar materials
Learn more here.

Medicaid and CHIP – Quality of Health Care – CMS Annual Report to Congress

July 6 CMS shared report
Learn more here.

Medicaid and CHIP – Core Quality Measures – Mathematica for CMS Draft Report – Public Comment by August 6

July 1 Mathematica announcement
Learn more here.

Quality and Accountability in Medicaid Managed Care – 2021

June 22 NHeLP webinar slides
Learn more here.

Implementing and Sustaining Rural Community Paramedicine

July 8 HRSA FORHP announced NRHRC report
Learn more here.

Street Medicine for Unsheltered Individuals: Serving People Where They Are

June 24 SAMHSA HHRC webinar materials; stroll down to the June 24 webinar
Learn more here.

Using Data Strategies To Advance Health and Racial Equity

June 25 National Academy for State Health Policy blog
Learn more here.

Empowered By Data: Legislation To Advance Equity and Public Health

June 25 Aligning for Health shared, June 24 House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing summary
Learn more here.

The Critical Role of Data Collection and Program Innovation To Advance Equity in Federal Agencies

July 7 Mathematica essay
Learn more here.

Alternatives To Police Responses for People in Mental Health Crisis: Ideas, Barriers, and Ways To Work for a Solution

June 24 SAMHSA-NASMHPD-NDRN webinar materials
Learn more here.

PCORI Proposed National Health Priorities – Submit Comments by August 27

June 29 PCORI announcement
Learn more here.