Week of September 7, 2021

CDC State Disability and Health 5 Years (2021-2026) Awards Announced

August 27 CDC NCBDDDD DHDD news announcement
Learn more here.

Public Health Workforce Resilience – Response Library (and COVID-19 Responses)

August 25 NACCHO Preparedness Update
Learn more here.

Community Health Workers: CDC Grants to 68 Organizations for COVID-19 Response

September 3 CDC announcement listing all 68 organizations by state
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: CMS Seeks Program Experiences; September 16 Deadline

August 26 CMS MMCO for Arnold Ventures request for information
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Report on Enrollee Experiences

August 20 American Institutes for Research IMPAQ announced report
Learn more here.

Medicaid Non-Emergency Transportation Benefit: Stakeholder Perspectives on Trends and Innovations

August 25 Health Management Associates review
Learn more here.

Medicaid & CHIP Core Quality Measures: Mathematica to CMS Recommendations Include LTSS Comprehensive Care Plans

August 31 Mathematica to CMS announced final core measures report, commissioned by CMS
Learn more here.

NQF Committee Endorses National Core Indicators (NCI) ID/DD – Public Comments Due By September 17

August 20 NQF announced Patient Experience and Function draft report for public commen
Learn more here.

Self-Direction: Video Explains

August 19 Applied Self-Direction announced video on their home page
Learn more here.

Creating Person-Centered Care and Service Plans – A Toolkit

August 30 announced Aug 26 Community Catalyst toolkit
Learn more here.

Community Health Workers’ Role in Advocating Equity

August 24 RWJ Fd County Health Rankings and Roadmaps webinar materials
Learn more here.

Evaluating Inclusiveness of Multi-Sector Community Health Networks

September 1 RWJ Fd Systems for Action webinar materials
Learn more here.

Identifying Equitable Solutions with What Works for Health

August 26 RWJ Fd County Health Rankings and Roadmaps webinar materials
Learn more here.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Priorities To Advance Disability Equity

August 23 PIPC shared, PCORI supported, Disability Equity Collaborative paper
Learn more here.

Community Health Center Staffing Transformation Following Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition

August 26 HRSA BPHC webinar slides
Learn more here.

Primary Care Case Management in Medicaid: Primary Care in Rural Areas (5 States)

August 30 National Academy for State Health Policy analysis; focused on AL, CO, ID, ME, OK
Learn more here.

NQF Committee Endorses Primary Care Continuity of Care Measure – Public Comments Due By September 17

August 20 NQF announced Primary Care and Chronic Illness draft report
Learn more here.

Person-Centered Implementation of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in Complex Care Programs

August 25 RWJ Fd-AARP-Camden Coalition National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs brief
Learn more here.

Whole-Person Care for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder

August 25 SAMHSA HHRC toolkit and webinar
Learn more here. (Scroll down the page)

Guardianship – State Experiences and Persons with ID/DD

August 27 HSRI-NASDDDS shared National Core Indicators shared data highlight
Learn more here.