Week of October 12, 2021

Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination Status, Intent, and Perceived Access – By Disability Status

October 1 CDC MMWR report
Learn more here.

Challenges and Opportunities for Strengthening the U.S. Public Health Infrastructure: Findings From a Scan of the Literature

October 5 National Network of Public Health Institutes shared June 16 report
Learn more here.

Dollars and Making Sense: Cross-Sector Financing

September 30 RWJ Fd Aligning Systems for Health webinar materials
Learn more here.

Organizational Partnerships May Improve Access To Independent Living Services for People with Disabilities – Rural Areas Focus

October 6 NIDILRR NARIC Research in Focus article
Learn more here.

Improving Behavioral Health Services for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness in Rural and Remote Communities

October 8 SAMHSA supported, APA SMI Adviser, in partnership with NASMHPD, announced report
Learn more here.

Implementing the Complex Care Core Competencies: A Toolkit To Guide Education and Training

October 7 National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs announced toolkit
Learn more here.

The Public Health Workforce: Morale, Mental Health, and Moving Forward

October 6 Public Health Communications Collaborative webinar materials
Learn more here.

Community Health Workers and the Direct Care Workforce

October 6 ACL funded Aging and Disability Business Institute shared Generations Today article on an Arizona initiative
Learn more here.

Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

October 6 ACL webinar slides
Learn more here.

Housing is Mental Health Care: Policy Recommendations for Scaling Housing for Individuals with Mental Illness

September 29 Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation, Think Bigger Do Good, webinar materials and shared report
Learn more here.

Advancing Health Equity for People Who Are Homebound

September 23 Playbook for Better Care for People with Complex Needs blog
Learn more here.

Long COVID Causes Health Policy Shifts Across the States

October 6 ASTHO blog
Learn more here.

Incorporating Lessons Learned During COVID-19 Into Future Planning for Emergencies and Disasters

October 6 National Academy of Medicine webinar materials
Learn more here.

Addressing Disaster Workforce Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

September 30 National Academy of Medicine webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Importance of Crisis Communication in Public Health

September 29 ASTHO blog and recording on lessons learned
Learn more here.

Treating Concurrent Substance Use Among Adults

October 7 NASADAD shared SAMHSA publication
Learn more here.

County Innovations To End Homelessness

September 30 National Association of Counties (NACo) webinar materials
Learn more here.

SSI and SSDI for People Disabled by Mental Illnesses and ID/DD: An Update

October 1 NACBHD report
Learn more here.

The Future of HEDIS During and After The Pandemic

September 30 NCQA Healthcare Effectiveness and Data Information Set (HEDIS) webinar slides
Learn more here.

Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities – GAO

September 23 U.S. Government Accountability Office report
Learn more here.