Week of Dec. 14, 2021

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Addressing the Care Fragmentation Crisis

November 1 University of Chicago NORC webinar slides
Learn more here.

Initiating Cross-Sector Partnerships To Advance Population Health

December 10 ASTHO shared November 23 ASTHO report
Learn more here.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services: Targeting and Tailoring Income and Resource Disregards

December 7 CMS State Medicaid Director letter (#2021-004) on state flexibilities
Learn more here.

Home-and-Community-Based Services for Older Adults

December 2 Scan Fd shared, Nov AARP fact sheet
Learn more here.

Expanding Home-Based Care for Medicare Beneficiaries

December 2 Scan Fd shared, Nov 20 Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy brief
Learn more here.

Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities: Addressing the Needs of Diverse Caregivers for Older Adults

December 8 Hartford Fd supported, Diverse Elders Coalition and National Alliance for Caregiving report and briefing
Learn more here.

Addressing Social and Behavioral Health Needs Through Fully Integrated, Interdisciplinary Teams

November 30 National Center on Complex Health and Social Needs webinar slides and chat Q & A
Learn more here.

CAPABLE – Supporting Older People with Disabilities To Improve Health and Well-Being At Home

December 9 seven foundations supported, Playbook Better Care for People with Complex Needs program description as an “in-the-field-innovation.”
Learn more here.

Exploring An Optimal Integrated Care System for People with ID/DD

December 8, 10, 14 National Academy of Medicine three-day workshop, 3 hours per day, workshop. Materials will be available.
Learn more here.

Enhancing Data Infrastructure for Collection and Integration of Patient-Reported Outcomes

December 9 University of Chicago NORC shared white paper executive summary
Learn more here.

Medicaid and CHIP Core Quality Measures: CMS Releases 2021 Scorecard

December 8 CMS announced scorecard
Learn more here.

Comparing Quality Outcomes Across State Medicaid Program Delivery Models

December 8 Health Management Associates review
Learn more here.

Assistive Technology and Universal Design: A Toolkit for Interagency Collaboration

December 8 NIDILRR NARIC shared Interagency Committee on Disability Research toolkit
Learn more here.

U.S. Surgeon General: Protecting Youth Mental Health Advisory

December 8 HHS advisory
Learn more here.

Video Tele-Conferencing Results in Similar Clinical Effectiveness

December 7 PCORI announced and funded Annals of Internal Medicine study
Learn more here.

Rethinking Telehealth’s Role in Treating Addiction

December 7 seven foundations Playbook Better Care for People with Complex Needs Nov 17 trade-offs podcast
Learn more here.

5 Solutions for Social Isolation – RWJ Fd

December 9 RWJ Fd shared Nov 1 Culture of Health blog – How Local Leaders Can Create Socially Connected Communities
Learn more here.

Public Health Professionals Core Competencies: Share Needed Resources and Tools

December 9 Public Health Foundation RFI; the PHF core competencies were earlier shared in the November 30 Disability and PH News (#42).
Learn more here.

The Future of Public Health: A Synthesis Report for the Field

December 7 TFAH shared, Dec 3 National Network of Public Health Institutes report
Learn more here.

Lack of Adequate State Nursing Home Staffing Standards

December 7 Consumer Voice for Quality LTC report
Learn more here.