Week of December 7, 2021

10 Essential Questions for Disability Inclusion in Health Agencies

December 2 ASTHO shared Nov 23 ASTHO brief

Long COVID: New Research and Supporting Patients

November 17 NIHCM webinar recording, shared December 2

Experiences with Self-Direction: An Evaluation with Focus on Sustainability (in New York)

December 3 ARCH Respite shared ISS and Univ MN ICI report

Incentivizing Medical Providers To Include Caregivers as Part of the Treatment Team

December 1 LTC Quality Alliance shared National Alliance for Caregiving shared white paper

Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Rural and Urban People with Disabilities

December 1 NIDILRR NARIC shared Univ of MT Rural Institute R&T Center research report

Factoring Housing Into Federal and State Policies To Improve Community Health

December 2 ASTHO policy brief

Public Health Forward: Modernizing the U.S. Public Health System

December 2 Bipartisan Policy Center briefing and release on their new report

The Effect of State Approaches to Medicaid Financing on Federal Medicaid Spending

December 1 LTC Quality Alliance shared MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP payment & Access Commission) November issue brief

Patients, Families, Communities COVID-19 Impact Assessments: Lessons Learned and Compelling Needs

November 29 National Academy of Medicine discussion paper

Promoting Community Health Worker Leadership

November 15 ASTHO webinar summary; scroll down the page

Empowering Community Health Workers To Lead the Fight for Health Equity

November 17 NACHW shared, J&J Center for Health Worker Innovation blog

Community Health Outreach Workers for Stress Management and Resiliency Assistance (Maine)

December 3 NASMHPD Update sharing

Behavioral Health Workforce Is A National Crisis: Immediate Policy Actions for States

November 24 NACBHDD shared NCMW-HMA paper

Considerations for Building Federal Data Capacity Related to Serving Persons with ID/DD

September 22 HHS ASPE report

Policy Alternatives for Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) – CBO

November 19 Congressional Budget Office presentation

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Medicaid HCBS: The Weight of Surveillance and the Fracturing of Care

November 19 Self-Direction in the News shared Nov 16 Data and Society blog

Psychiatric Disorders in Incarcerated Populations: Challenges for Correctional Facilities and the Public Health System

November 11 National Academy of Medicine and Committee on Law and Justice webinar materials

63-Fold Increase in Medicare Telehealth Use During the Pandemic

December 3 CMS announced HHS ASPE report

NCQA Pilots New Health Equity Accreditation Program

December 2 NCQA announcement