Week of April 5, 2022

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) – Waiting Lists

Excerpts from last week AAHD news – The Case for Inclusion: Blazing Trails To Sustainability for Community Disability Services; March ANCOR and UCP annual inclusion report

Understanding and Addressing Unmet Needs in HCBS (Home-and-Community-Based Services) Through the Lens of Person-Centered Practices

March 31 ACL funded, NCAPPS webinar slides

How To Integrate Programing Into Care Settings Using Community Health Workers

March 24 ACL funded, National Council on Aging,  4th of four CHW webinars

Strengthening the Paid Direct Care Workforce

March 29 NASHP announced additional web page resources

People with Certain Medical Conditions and COVID-19: CDC Disability Inclusion

March 30 CDC NCBDDD shared disability inclusion explanation

Measuring What Matters Most: The Need for Standardized Social Drivers of Health Measures

March 28 Commonwealth Fund blog

Public Health Employees – High Level of Stress and Burnout

March 29 TFAH shared de Beaumont-ASTHO survey report

Public Health Employee Workforce Crisis

March 30 Governing shared survey report

Understanding the Future of COVID-19 Related Medicare and Medicaid Flexibilities

March 30 Alliance for Health Policy briefing materials. Last week’s AAHD news included:
March 21 CMS announced operations guide and March 23 AHP announced HMA-Manatt-Scan Fd issue brief.

Transitioning Out of the COVID-19 Emergency Phase

March 17 Bipartisan Policy Center webinar materials

Crisis Services and Diversion: How State and Local Partners Can Make a Difference

March 17 (part one) and March 24 (part two) SAMHSA funded, NASMHPD administered, Bazelon Ctr webinar materials

9-8-8: How Advocates Can Push for a Crisis Standard of Care

March 11 NAMI blog

Behavioral Health Care When Americans Need It: Senate Committee on Finance

March 30 Senate Committee on Finance hearing, pre-hearing committee report, and AAHD-Lakeshore Foundation submission on persons with co-occurring conditions

Improving Behavioral Health Services for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness in Rural and Remote Communities

November 17 SAMHSA funded, APA SMI Advisor report

Adoption of Health Literacy Best Practices To Enhance Clinical Research and Community Participation

March 24 National Academy of Medicine shared workshop proceedings

Providing Health Literate Virtual Health Services

February 28 National Academy of Medicine shared workshop proceedings

Collaboration and Shared Decision-Making in Preventive Health Care

March 22 AHRQ shared USPSTF authored JAMA article

Time Banking for Respite: Communities Supporting Caregivers

March 30 Arch Respite shared webinar materials

Nursing Facility Financing During Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Program Design and Implementation

April 1 ADvancing States issue brief

Peer-Led Innovations in Re-entry Support Programming: Towards Holistic Recovery

March 31 SAMHSA Gains Center shared February 16 webinar slides