Week of August 20, 2024

Improving Access To Medical Care for People with Disabilities: Final ADA Rule

August 9 Department of Justice final Title II, ADA, Federal Register rule and fact sheet.

Learn more here.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services: Continuity of Coverage

August 19 CMS Informational Bulletin on HCBS federal renewal requirements and available flexibilities.

Learn more here.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services: Persistent Inequities and Persons with IDD

August 2 Disability and Health Journal announced article using nationwide claims analysis.

Learn more here.

National Academies (NASEM) Final Report on Expanding the Behavioral Health Workforce – August 8 Report, Materials, and Release Briefing

August 8 National Academies announced report release with materials. AAHD’s Clarke Ross served on the committee that prepared the report.

Learn more here.

Policy Approaches To Improve State and Local Data Sharing – Public Health

July 28 ASTHO infographic.

Learn more here.

Policy Approaches To Improve Data Sharing Between State and Local Health Departments (2)

July 22 ASTHO-NACCO-NPHL report.

Learn more here.

CMS Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (5): Community Health Integration; Principal Illness Navigation; Peer Support

August 6 Partnership To Align Social Care webinar slides. See July 23 and Aug 6 AAHD news for four other PFS items.

Learn more here.

CMS Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (6): Caregiver Training; Advanced Primary Care; ACO Quality

August 14 Partnership To Align Social Care webinar slides.

Learn more here.

CMS Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (7): Primary Care Tools – Did CMS Nail It?

August 15 Milbank Memorial Fund blog.

Learn more here.

CMS Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (8): Quality Payment Program

August 2 CMS proposed QPP updates.

Learn more here.

9-8-8 and Crisis Services – Public Perspectives

August 2 NASMHPD shared NAMI poll of public perspectives.

Learn more here.

9-8-8 and Crisis Lifeline – Two Years After Launch

July 29 Kaiser Family Foundation report.

Learn more here.

9-8-8 and Crisis Responses – Two Years of Growth

August 7 MHLG shared SAMHSA issue brief.

Learn more here.

Medicare Revised Primary Care Payment

August 6 posted NAM (NAESM) Senate Committee on Finance 58 page submission; also posted – NHMH with AAHD and Lakeshore submission; and FUSA with AAHD and Lakeshore submission to Senators Whitehouse and Cassidy on S. 4338 and RFI.

Learn more here.

Why Primary Care Practitioners Aren’t Joining Value-Based Payment Models: Reasons and Potential Solutions

July 17 Commonwealth Fund funded, Mathematica report.

Learn more here.

Successful Contracting Between CBOs (Community-Based Organizations) and Health Care Entities: Social Care

August 8 Aging and Disability Business Institute shared data brief.

Learn more here.

Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Final CMS Rules

August 6 AAHD posted CMS fact sheet and Coalition To Preserve Rehabilitation summary.

Learn more here.

Nursing Facility Quality of Care Through Medicare and Medicaid Integration

August 5 ATI Advisory webinar slides.

Learn more here.

Exploring the Ecosystem of Health Equity Measures

August 12 National Academies (NAESM) shared June 2023 workshop summary.

Learn more here.

Understanding the Concept of Intersectionality

July 23 SAMHSA funded, MHTTC guide.

Learn more here.

How To Establish and Sustain Patient and Family Advisory Councils

July 24 IPFCC webinar slides.

Learn more here.

Strengthening the Role and Diversity of Patient and Family Advisory Councils

July 29 IPFCC shared paper.

Learn more here.

Medicaid Beneficiary Advisory Councils: AK, AZ, ME, MI, ND, OR, VA

July 18 Center for Health Care Strategies announced seven states learning series.

Learn more here.

Identifying and Disseminating Best Practices To Treat Long COVID

August 14 AHRQ shared grantee profile.

Learn more here.

History of the Disability Rights Movement and the ADA

July 24 Pacific ADA Center webinar slides.

Learn more here.