AAHD to Support National Council on Aging’s Education Programs

AAHD will help the National Council on Aging (NCOA) Center for Healthy Aging, National Resource Center on Chronic Disease Self-Management, provide Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) programs to the disability community.

AAHD will provide the following support:

  • Bring expertise and visibility to the Center’s efforts to scale CDSME programs by developing appropriate messaging to recruit and engage participants with disabilities for the program’s workshops
  • Serve on the Center’s advisory panel and workgroup focused on recruitment, as well as provide ongoing expertise on working with the disability services community and people with disabilities
  • Assist in disseminating information to disability organizations, mental illness peer wellness specialists, Medicaid-financed personal care services, and cash and counseling programs
  • Help develop tools and marketing products to actively engage people with disabilities and their families to improve their access and involvement with community-based and online CDSME programs
  • Recruit people with disabilities to participate in CDSME programs and engage disability service providers to serve as workshop sites

This project is funded by the Department of HHS Administration for Community Living.