OE6 Set to Begin

Open Enrollment Year Six (OE6) for health insurance is set to begin this Thursday, November 1, 2018. During OE6, people who are currently enrolled in an individual health insurance plan on the ACA marketplace are able to review their plan, check out their options and make any changes that they want to their health plan. Those who do not have current health insurance coverage can also check out their options for enrolling in a plan during OE6. To learn more about your options, you can check out Healthcare.gov, but don’t delay as OE6 will end on December 15, 2018.

AAHD has an initiative called the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC) which provides guidance to health insurance assisters and understanding what people with disabilities need to consider when considering their options for health insurance enrollment. We also are continuing to collaborate with Community Catalyst on an ACA Enrollment and Outreach Project. Links to the NDNRC, information on the ACA Outreach Project and other resources can be found below: