Week of May 21, 2019

Pathways HUB: A Population Health Model That Activates Community Response To Social Determinants

May 9 Health Management Associates webinar slides
Learn more here.

The Impact of the Patient-Centered Medical Home on Health Care Disparities

March 27 Population Health Management article
Learn more here.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Education: ACL Announces Eleven 2019 Grantees

May 14 ACL announcement
Learn more here.

Measuring Patient-Experiences: Distinguishing Between Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and Patient Preferences

May 9 National Health Council blog summarizing their April 18 webinar
Learn more here.

How One Health Center Treats Patients As Partners (Philadelphia)

May 3 Commonwealth Fund blog and podcast
Learn more here.

Six Ways To Use a CAHPS Consumer Survey for Quality Improvement

April 24 AHRQ announced Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems video
Learn more here.

Patient Participation vs Patient Engagement in Research

May 7 PCORI shared Vanderbilt University Medical Center podcast
Learn more here.

American Fitness Index for America’s 100 Largest Cities

May 14 American College of Sports Medicine and Anthem Foundation report
Learn more here.

Independence Through Community Access and Navigation: A Supported Leisure Intervention

May 13 Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion manual
Learn more here.

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) – Partnerships with Medicare Advantage Plans

January 29 n4a ACL funded CBO Business Institute webinar materials
Learn more here.

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) – Embracing the Culture of Accountability: How We Measure Success in Achieving Our Mission

March 4 n4a ACL funded CBO Business Institute webinar materials
Learn more here.

CMS’s New Primary Care Models – Excitement, Caution, Unanswered Questions

May 16 Community Catalyst blog
Learn more here.

How Are States Addressing Primary Care Quality in Medicaid Managed Care?

March 19 Commonwealth Fund blog
Learn more here.

Comprehensive Primary Care Transformation: First Annual Evaluation

April 22 CMS funded, Mathematica Policy Research report
Learn more here.

Home-Based Primary Care and Medicare Payment: What Are We Learning?

May 16 John A. Hartford Foundation blog
Learn more here.

Older Adults Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, With Substance Abuse Disorders: Promising Practices for Meeting Needs

May 16 CMS MMCO Resources for Integrated Care webinar slides and materials
Learn more here.

Identifying Safety Net Resources at Health Centers To Prevent Infectious Disease Transmission Resulting From the Opioid Epidemic

March 22 HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation report
Learn more here.

Employment First for Persons with Disabilities: State Strategic Planning Manual

May 17 NASUAD shared January Department of Labor manual
Learn more here.

The Housing Plus Services Model: Financing Options for Services in Senior Housing

April Leading Age LTSS Center at UMASS Boston report
Learn more here.