Week of July 2, 2019

Reaching People with Disabilities Through Healthy Communities

June 28 CDC NCBDDD Disability and Health Branch newsletter feature
Learn more here.

Comparing Persons with Disabilities’ Insider Experience About Participation in Institutional and Community Living: Satisfaction, Safety, and Supports

June 23 available Disability and Health Journal article; there is a fee for the entire article
Learn more here.

Advancing the Community Health Worker Workforce Through Law and Policy

June 20 Network for Public Health Law webinar materials
Learn more here.

Effective Supervision of Mental Health Peer Support Staff: SE Pennsylvania

June 3 CMS MMCO Resources for Integrated Care announced paper
Learn more here.

Mobility Managers: Transportation Coordinators for Persons with Disabilities and Others Requiring LTSS

June 28 NASUAD shared AARP article
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid with Complex Pain Needs: Promising Practices

June 27 CMS MMCO Resources for Integrated Care webinar materials
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: CMS Demonstration Enrollment Update

June 26 Health Management Associates “Focus” update
Learn more here.

Your Patients Are Waiting: Integrating Behavioral Health Into Primary Care Practice – Action Steps

June 21 Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) webinar materials
Learn more here.

Ten Attributes of Health Literate Health Care Organizations

June 25 AHRQ announced resource
Learn more here.

A Health Equity Approach to Obesity Efforts

June 28 National Academy of Medicine released workshop proceedings
Learn more here.

Addressing the Home Environment Through Team-Based Care

June 26 National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs blog on the Johns Hopkins Univ CAPABLE (Community Aging in Place – Advancing Better Living for Elders) program
Learn more here.

Home Health Care for Children with Medical Complexity: Workforce Gaps, Policy, and Future Directions

June 17 Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health shared Health Affairs article
Learn more here.

Choice Matters: Housing Models That May Promote Recovery for Individuals and Families Facing Opioid Use Disorder

June 24 HHS ASPE (Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation) report
Learn more here.

Leveraging Technology To Expand Access To Behavioral Health Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries

June 27 Commonwealth Fund blog
Learn more here.

Rural Homelessness: Understanding the Impact and Potential for Health Centers

June 26 National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs announced CSH HUD policy brief
Learn more here.

Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach To Substance Use Disorder Treatment

June 4 Center for Health Care Strategies webinar materials
Learn more here.

People with Behavioral Health Disorders in Jail and Prison: Guidelines for Successful Transition From

June 27 Policy Research Associates announced paper
Learn more here.