Week of July 23, 2019

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: National Examination of Long Term Care Settings, Outcomes, and Disparities

July Health Affairs article
Learn more here.

How Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) Can Address Social Determinants of Health

July 17 Wellsky webinar materials
Learn more here.

To Address Social Determinants of Health, Start with the Data

July 17 Mathematica Policy Research blog
Learn more here.

Medicare Independence at Home Demonstration: First 4 Years Evaluation

June 20 Mathematica Policy Research announced study
Learn more here.

Examining Family Caregiver Characteristics: New Data Profile

July 16 ACL announced data release
Learn more here.

Supporting Family Caregivers: Early Lessons from State Innovations

July 16 Center for Health Care Strategies brief
Learn more here.

Diverse Family Caregivers: Culturally Competent Supports

July 16 CMS MMCO Resources for Integrated Care announced website resources
Learn more here.

Family Burden and Medical Complexity: Wrestling with the Meaning and Impact of Commonly Used Terms

July 17 Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health shared brief
Learn more here.

How Public Health Departments and Medical-Legal Partnerships Can Collaborate To Strengthen Community Health Efforts

July 12 Network for Public Health Law blog
Learn more here.

Investing in Primary Care: A State-Level Analysis

July 17 Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) annual evidence report and briefing
Learn more here.

Impact of Behavioral Health Screening on Proactive Identification of Patients at Risk for Hospital Readmission

July 17 Population Health Alliance shared May 30 Population Health Management article
Learn more here.

Data Segmentation, Hidden Medical Records Are Driving Inequity in Addiction Treatment

July 17 Modern Healthcare commentary by Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine and Premium Health
Learn more here.

Data-Driven Care Strategies for Successful Performance with Value-Based Contracts

July 10 Population Health Alliance webinar slides
Learn more here..

Becoming Data-Driven: Progress Together

July 11 Mathematica Policy Research webcast materials
Learn more here.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Priorities & Themes – Director’s Presentation

June 7 NIMH Director Joshua Gordon, M.D., Ph.D. presentation to the Mental Health Liaison Group
Learn more here.

Quality Measurement and Persons with Disabilities: An AAHD Area of Focus

July 17 AAHD initiatives web site posting
Learn more here.