Person-Centered Planning and Practice: ACL & NQF Definitions

Slides 22-23 from the May 3, ACL funded, National Quality Forum administered PCPP committee meeting #one
Learn more here.

Self Determination in Services & Supports – Serving Persons with ID/DD

Page 10 from the July 31 Council on Quality and Leadership symposium guide (with 2 other orgs)
Learn more here.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule: CMS on Heightened Scrutiny Review

August 2 CMS Information Bulletin
Learn more here.

The Impact of Community Health Workers – Research Review

August 6 PCORI announced and funded Families USA video
Learn more here.

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) – Importance and Role – Serving Persons with ID/DD

Pages 7 & 8 from the July 31 Council on Quality and Leadership symposium guide (with 2 other orgs)
Learn more here.

Medicaid Personal Care Services – Electronic Visit Verification: Good Faith Efforts

August 8 CMS Information Bulletin
Learn more here.

Differences in Social Connectiveness and Perceived Isolation Among Rural and Urban Adults with Disabilities

August 1 Disability and Health Journal article; there is a fee for the complete article
Learn more here.

Social Determinants of Health: Financing Interventions and Strategies for States

July 19 ASTHO tool kit
Learn more here.

Population Health and Social Determinants of Health of City Neighborhoods in California

Only Both web site; part of the CDC 500 Cities Project
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Promoting Information Sharing by Special Needs Plans To Improve Care Transitions

August 6 Center for Health Care Strategies brief on the experiences in OR, PA, & TN
Learn more here.

“Complex Needs and Growing Roles: The Changing Nature of Information and Referral Assistance”

August 7 NASUAD announced report on state aging and disability I&R agencies
Learn more here.

Healthy People 2030: Criteria for Selecting the Leading Health Indicators

August 6 National Academy of Medicine announced report
Learn more here.

Opioid Epidemic: Linking and De-Identifying State Level Data Sets

July 30 All In Data for Community Health and Network for Public Health Law webinar slides
Learn more here.

Opioids: Local Health Department Approaches – Environmental Scan

August 6 NACCHO announced report
Learn more here.

Opioids: HRSA Awards Grants To 96 Rural Community Organizations

August 8 HRSA Office of Rural Health announcement
Learn more here.

Medicare Special Needs Plans – Where Are They Headed?

August 8 Institute for Healthcare Improvement Better Care Playbook blog
Learn more here.

Mental Illness, Substance Use, and Homelessness: Advancing Coordinated Solutions Through City-Level Approaches

August 6 National League of Cities “Culture of Health” July issue brief
Learn more here.

Federal Nursing Home Regulations: Proposed Changes Overview

August 8 NCVQLTC-Justice in Aging-Center for Medicare Advocacy webinar slides
Learn more here.

Federal Nursing Home Regulations: Comparison of Current Regs and CMS Recently Released Proposed Regs

August 5 National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care comparison
Learn more here.

Clinician Well-Being – Case Studies

August 5 National Academy of Medicine announced case studies
Learn more here.