Week of February 4, 2020

CMS Announces Medicaid Block Grant Demonstrations

January 30 CMS letter to state Medicaid directors announcing block grant and per-capita cap demonstrations
Learn more here.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services Settings Rule: Potential Outcomes and Measurements

January 28 HCBS Advocacy Coalition & Brandeis Univ CLPC white paper
Learn more here.

The Importance of Integrated Care Models That Address Medical, Behavioral, and Social Health Needs

January 29 Center for Health Care Strategies blog
Learn more here.

Why Many Integrated Delivery Systems Have Not Enhanced Consumer Value

January 29 New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst announced article; there is a subscription fee
Learn more here.

Coordinating Care for Children with Complex Medical Conditions Across State Lines in Medicaid: March 23 Comment Deadline

January 21 CMS request for information
Learn more here.

The Impact of the Opioid Epidemic on the Aging Services Network & The Older Adults They Serve

January 24 ADDvancing States announced December 31 NCOA report
Learn more here.

Opioid Use Disorder and Infectious Disease Services – Integrating Responses

January 23 National Academy of Medicine report
Learn more here.

Improving Care for Patients with Mental Health Conditions & Substance Use Disorders Who Present To Emergency Departments

January 28 Well Being Trust and IHI white paper
Learn more here.

CDC Updates Chronic Disease Indicators Data

January 30 TFAH shared CDC Division of Population Health updated data
Learn more here.

Leading Health Indicators, 2030 – Part 2

January 22 National Academy of Medicine recommendations to HHS (as requested by HHS) – webinar on the highlights; report was shared in last week’s AAHD news
Learn more here.

Furthering FEMA’s Commitment to Persons with Disabilities and Older Adults

January 29 ACL-NIDILRR NARIC announced Federal Emergency Management Agency December podcast
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs)

January 17 CMS MMCO guidance
Learn more here.

Medicare Advantage: Innovative Non-Medical Solutions for Older Adults

January 7 Long Term Quality Alliance briefing materials
Learn more here.

America’s Direct Care Workforce: It’s Time To Care – A Detailed Profile

January 21 PHI report
Learn more here.

Behavioral Health Workforce – Solutions

January 23 NCOA & NCMHA webinar recording
Learn more here.

State Residential Treatment for Behavioral Health Conditions – Regulation & Policy Environmental Scan

January 23 NASMHPD shared November 2019 HHS ASPE report
Learn more here.