Week of May 5, 2020

Collecting Disability Data and COVID-19

April 27 Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Task Force on Rights co-chairs letter to HHS-CDC-CMS
Learn more here.

Beneficiaries Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Integration of Care Updates and Policy Options

April 15 Bipartisan Policy Center two white papers
Learn more here.

Roadmap To Recovery: A Public Health Guide for Governors

April 22 National Governors Assn and ASTHO guide
Learn more here.

Metrics To Measure Outcomes For Quality Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) – Alternative Funding Models and People with ID/DD

April 22 Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) announced report
Learn more here.

Hospital Without Walls: New Opportunities for Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)

April 16 ACL funded n4a Aging and Disability Institute webinar materials
Learn more here.

AAHD Videos on COVID 19

Learn more here.

Medicaid’s Role in Reopening the Health Care Delivery System During COVID-19

April 28 Center for Health Care Strategies blog
Learn more here.

COVID-19: From Data To Decisions: Mobilizing a Surveillance Infrastructure

April 24 Alliance for Health Policy webinar materials
Learn more here.

Integrating Cross-Sectoral Health and Social Services for the Homeless

April 29 RWJ Foundation Systems for Action webinar materials
Learn more here.

Leveraging Health and Housing Linkages in Response to COVID-19

April 28 All-in-Data Community Health and IL PH Institute webinar slides
Learn more here.

NASHP Updates Its Housing and Health Tools

April 28 National Academy for State Health Policy announcement
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Health Care Workforce Virtual Toolkit

April 29 ACL announced CMS & HHS ASPR toolkit
Learn more here.

Disability, Race, and Structural Inequity: COVID-19 and the Long-Term Care Workforce

April 29 National Health Law Program blog
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Recession Impact on People with Disabilities in Rural Areas

April 29 NIDILRR NARIC shared Univ of MT Disability in Rural Areas RRTC brief
Learn more here.

COVID-19: Economic Impact on 880 Community Behavioral Health Organizations

April 15 National Council for Behavioral Health (NCBH) announced report
Learn more here.

The Intersection of Substance Use and Aging for the General Population and Those with ID/DD

April 16 NCBH interest groups webinar slides
Learn more here.

Improving Access To Evidence-Based Medical Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Strategies To Address Key Barriers Within the Treatment System

April 27 National Academy of Medicine discussion paper
Learn more here.

How To Prepare for a Video Appointment with Your Mental Health Clinician

April 20 SAMHSA APA SMI Advisor announced sheet
Learn more here.

CMS Authorizes Audio-Only Telehealth Services (Waives Video Requirement) As Part of COVID-19 Telehealth Services

April 30 CMS adjusted policies announcement
Learn more here.