Week of June 30, 2020

Developing and Implementing State Olmstead Plans To Increase Access To Community-Based Services

June 22 SAMHSA-NASMHPD-Bazelon Ctr webinar materials
Learn more here.

Long-Term Services & Supports Coordinator: A Promising (Massachusetts) Practice To Advance Independent Living, Recovery, and Integrated Care

June 15 Brandeis Community Living Policy Center webinar materials
Learn more here.

How COVID-19 Can Spark Transformative Change in Long-Term Services and Supports

May 20 WellSky webinar materials
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Outcomes Among People with ID/DD Living in Residential Group Homes in New York State

June 24 Disability and Health Journal article; there is a fee for the entire article
Learn more here.

Best Practices for Patient-Clinician Communication for Persons with Disabilities in the Era of COVID-19

June 19 National Academy of Medicine webinar materials
Learn more here.

Health Care Access and the Americans with Disabilities Act: A Mixed Methods Study

June 23 Disability and Health Journal article; there is a fee for the entire article
Learn more here.

Remote Supports for People with Disabilities

June 23 Council on Quality and Leadership blog
Learn more here.

Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19

June 23 TFAH shared National Alliance To Impact the Social Determinants of Health blog
Learn more here.

States Engage Community Health Workers To Combat COVID-19 and Health Inequalities

June 22 National Academy for State Health Policy blog
Learn more here.

Peer Support (Mental Illness) Workforce Development

June 23 MHA and NAPS webinar materials
Learn more here.

COVID-19 and Communities of Color: Implications for Health Literacy

June 10 National Academy of Medicine webinar materials
Learn more here.

Coming Together To Address COVID-19: A Community’s Experience (Michigan)

June 18 National Academy of Medicine webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Care We Need: Driving Better Health Outcomes for People and Communities

June 24 National Quality Forum announced report
Learn more here.

Advancing Mental Health During the Pandemic, and Beyond

June 19 Alliance for Health Policy webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Changing Landscape of Primary Care and COVID-19

May 20 Alliance for Health Policy webinar materials
Learn more here.

Nursing Homes and COVID-19

June 19 National Association of Counties brief
Learn more here.

Why Public Health Officials Are Quitting During a Pandemic

June 24 Governing article
Learn more here.

GAO’s 1st COVID-19 Performance Report

June 25 Government Accountability Office report
Learn more here.

The Moral Determinants of Health – Don Berwick

June 12 JAMA viewpoint
Learn more here.