Week of August 4, 2020

Racial Disparities in the Time of COVID-19: Persons with ID/DD

July 27 NASDDDS and HSRI shared National Core Indicators data brief
Learn more here.

Reducing COVID-19 Disparities & Achieving Health Equity (CDC)

July 28 TFAH announced CDC report
Learn more here.

A Springboard for Equitable Recovery and Resilience in Communities Across America

July 28 TFAH shared CDC Foundation funded Springboard Thriving report
Learn more here.

Data Sharing and the Law: Overcoming Health Care Sector Barriers To Sharing Data on Social Determinants

July 30 RWJ supported SIREN (Social Interventions Research & Evaluation Network) webinar sharing their report. The link here is to the report.
Learn more here.

Cultural Competence and Diversity Plan (and Respite Care)

July 30 ARCH National Respite Network webinar resource
Learn more here.

How Community Health Workers and Promotores Can Support Individuals with Complex Needs Amid COVID-19

July 29 RWJ & 7 foundations Better Care Playbook webinar materials
Learn more here.

A Self-Advocate’s Guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

July 27 shared ASAN (Autistic Self-Advocacy Network) guide
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: A Pathway To Full Integration

July 27 Bipartisan Policy Center briefing recording and You Tube
Learn more here.

Integrating Telehealth and Home-Based Care

July 22 Alliance for Health Policy briefing materials
Learn more here.

Improving Access To Care Through the Power of Telemedicine

July 28 SAMHSA-NASMHPD-MHA-NCBH webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Role of Transportation in Improving America’s Health

July 28 Eno Center for Transportation announced report
Learn more here.

Future Planning for the Homelessness Response System: Birmingham, Detroit, and New Orleans

July 27 U.S. Interagency Council on the Homeless webinar materials
Learn more here.

States Craft Collaborative Approaches To House the Homeless with SUD and Curb COVID-19

July 13 National Academy for State Health Policy blog
Learn more here.

What States Are Doing To Address Mental Health Concerns During COVID-19

July 28 Commonwealth Fund blog
Learn more here.

Caring for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder in Primary Care (part 3)

July 29 National Academy of Medicine project webinar two materials. Webinar one was in AAHD news #22 (June 9), the NAM project policy challenges paper was in AAHD news #28 (July 21)
Learn more here.

The Secret Sauce: How Some Primary Care Practices Are Surviving COVID-19

July 22 Primary Care Collaborative webinar materials
Learn more here.

Using Life Course Respite Tools During the Pandemic

July 23 National Respite Network and Resource Center webinar slides
Learn more here.

Community Assessment for Accessible Rural Events – Toolkit

July 29 NIDILRR NARIC announced Univ of MT Rural RTC toolkit
Learn more here.

Encouraging Adoption of Protective Behaviors To Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19: 5 Strategies

July 29 National Academy of Medicine announced strategies
Learn more here.