Week of September 8, 2020

State Actions To Sustain Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports During COVID-19

August 26 Kaiser Family Foundation brief
Learn more here.

Strategies To Meaningfully Engage Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) Beneficiaries

Sept 3 ACL and CMS webinar slides
Learn more here.

Living at Home in Rural America: Accessibility for Older Americans and People with a Disability

August 19 joint HHS-HUD-USDA information bulletin
Learn more here.

COVID-19 and Adults with Disabilities: Comparative Analysis by Disability Type

Sept 3 AAHD announced survey analysis report
Learn more here.

Increasing Inclusion of People with Lived Experiences

August 26 Camden Coalition National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs webinar materials
Learn more here.

Applying Peer Support to the Top 10 Concerns About Person-Centered Planning in Mental Health Systems

August 19 ACL funded, NCAPPS webinar resource
Learn more here.

Engaging Patients with Complex Needs Amid COVID-19: Lessons from Provider Organizations

August 31 Center for Health Care Strategies webinar materials
Learn more here.

Caring for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder in Primary Care (part 4)

August 26 National Academy of Medicine project webinar three materials. Webinar one was in AAHD news #22 (June 9), the NAM project policy challenges paper was in AAHD news #28 (July 21), and the webinar two materials were in AAHD news #30 (August 4).
Learn more here.

The Roles of State Primary Care Offices in Primary Care Transformation

Sept 3 HRSA announced July 30 ASTHO & NOSLO brief
Learn more here.

What Do Patients Want From Primary Care – Both During and After COVID-19

August 19 Primary Care Collaborative webinar slides
Learn more here.

How States Are Using Medicaid Managed Care To Strengthen and Improve Primary Health Care

July 30 Commonwealth Fund brief
Learn more here.

HHS (CDC) Launches “Healthy People 2030”

August 18 HHS announcement
Learn more here.

CDC’s COVID-19 Health Equity Strategy

August 21 CDC updated announcement
Learn more here.

Equity and Policy Preparedness During Public Health Emergencies

August 25 National Governors Association announced Sept-Dec webinar series
Learn more here.

COVID-19: Emerging Community Needs and Policy Solutions

Sept 3 TFAH shared Health Equity Initiative – Community Leaders Forums report
Learn more here.

Beyond the Perfect Storm: How Racism, COVID-19, and Economic Meltdown Imperil Our Mental Health

August 21 American Mental Health Counselors Assn report
Learn more here.

Racial Equity in Recovery Support Communities and Services (MH & SUD)

August 27 SAMHSA BRSS TACS webinar resource list
Learn more here.

Conversations on COVID-19: Impacts on Communities of Color

Sept 2 National Academy of Medicine announced resources and videos
Learn more here.

The Expansion of Telehealth: Equity Considerations for Policy Makers, Providers, and Payers

August 31 IMPAC issue brief
Learn more here.