Week of September 29, 2020

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) – Proposed Quality Measures for Public Comment by October 19

September 18 CMS announced request for information
Learn more here.

Medicaid Money-Follows-the-Person Program: CMS Announces $165 Million in Supplemental Funding to 33 Participating States

Sept 23 CMS announcement
Learn more here.

Medicaid Money-Follows-the-Person Programs: State Transitions in 2019

Sept 25 ADvancing States shared Mathematica for CMS report
Learn more here.

AARP 4th Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard

Sept 24 SCAN Foundation announced annual AARP scorecard
Learn more here.

National Inventory of Self-Direction Programs – 4th edition

September 23 Applied Self-Direction inventory
Learn more here.

Strategies To Integrate Health and Human Services Systems

Sept 22 Health Management Associates webinar materials
Learn more here.

Medicaid Physical-Behavioral Health Integration: Tailored Approaches in Washington State and Lessons for States

Sept 22 Center for Health Care Strategies webinar materials
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Local Risk Index

Sept 23 City Health Dashboard newsletter announced resource
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Racial Disparities in Testing, Infection, Hospitalization, and Death: Analysis of Patient Data

Sept 16 Kaiser Family Foundation report
Learn more here.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Latino Health

September 23 NIHCM webinar infographic
Learn more here.

Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration (part 2)

Sept 22 All-In Data 4 Health and Network for Public Health Law webinar two
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Crisis Management: County Lessons Learned

Sept 23 NACo county news article
Learn more here.

Preparedness Resources for Power-Dependent Medical Equipment

August 18 FEMA Region II webinar slides
Learn more here.

Telehealth and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs): Accessibility and Language Access Promising Practices

August 26 HHS Asst Sec for Preparedness and Response webinar materials
Learn more here.

Substance Use Disorder Demonstrations: CMS Section 1115 Evaluation Design Report

Sept 24 NASADAD shared CMS February report
Learn more here.

Early, Equitable, and Trauma Responsive Care for Chronic Pain and Mental Health

Sept 22 MHA report
Learn more here.

Mobile Technology for Adaptive Aging

Sept 23 National Academy of Medicine announced workshop proceedings
Learn more here.

Improving Medicaid Buy-In Programs for Working Individuals with Disabilities

Sept 22 Bipartisan Policy Center webinar materials
Learn more here.

PCORI Board Proposed Principles for Outcome Data

Sept 15 PCORI announced outcome data principles; public comment deadline is November 13
Learn more here