Week of October 6, 2020

10 Essential Public Health Services – Revised Framework

October 1 CDC announced Sept 9 PHNCI & de Beaumont Fd revised framework
Learn more here.

Frequent Mental Health Distress Among Adults, by Disability Status, Disability Type, and Selected Characteristics – United States

Sept 30 CDC NCBDDD shared Sept 11 CDC MMWR article
Learn more here.

Aligning for Social and Health Needs in the Community

Sept 24 Aligning for Health webinar materials
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Integrated Care Programs in the Era of COVID-19 – Response Efforts and Policy Recommendations

Sept 24 Center for Health Care Strategies webinar materials
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Risk Factors, Equity-Centered Approaches: 8 Recommendations

Sept 30 Justice in Aging announced issue brief
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Engaging Members in Plan Governance During COVID-19

Sept 17 CMS MMCO Resources for Integrated Care webinar materials

Learn more here.

Strengthening Family Caregiver Programs and Policies Through Collaboration: Lessons From 6 States (AL, ID, IA, NH, SC, VA)

October 1 Center for Health Care Strategies webinar on their recent brief
Learn more here.

Identifying COVID-19 “Rising Risk” Populations: Early Lessons from the Complex Care Innovation Lab

August 20 Center for Health Care Strategies blog
Learn more here.

Advancing Integration of General Health in Behavioral Health Settings: A Continuum-Based Framework

August 26 NCBH announced report
Learn more here.

Social Determinants of Mental Health in Older Adults

Sept 23 NCMHA and NCOA webinar materials
Learn more here.

Integrating Systems and Sectors Toward Obesity Solutions

Sept 25 National Academy of Medicine announced workshop proceedings
Learn more here.

Role of Community Health Workers in Rural Areas

October 1 HRSA Office of Rural Health announced Rural Health Info Hub toolkit
Learn more here.

Multi-Sector Community Networks Are Losing Strength in Many Rural Areas; Reducing Capacity To Improve Population Health

Sept 30 RWJ Fd Systems for Action announced evidence brief
Learn more here.

Telehealth Basics for Supportive Housing Providers and Their Health Care Partners

October 1 CSH shared fact sheet
Learn more here.

Technology Use for Social Connectiveness: Experiences of Persons with ID-DD and their Families and Providers

Sept 30 NIDILRR NARIC Georgia Tech Univ announced research summary

Learn more here.

Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine – National Academy of Medicine

Oct 2 National Academy of Medicine released report and webinar
Learn more here.

Community-Based Organizations: Quality Improvement and Performance Monitoring

July 28 WellSky webinar materials
Learn more here.

Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes

September 24 AHRQ announced report
Learn more here.

Building Evidence of Program Effectiveness: Use of Core Components

Sept 3 HHS ASPE report
Learn more here.