Week of October 13, 2020

The Need for Modernizing Public Health Data in Responding To COVID-19

October 6 ASTHO blog
Learn more here.

A Framework for Public Sector Leadership, Including Medicaid

October 8 NAMD shared CHCS-Milbank-NAMD Public Sector Leadership Consortium paper
Learn more here.

The Impact of Caregiving on Mental and Physical Health

October 4 ARCH Respite Center shared Sept 9 Blue Cross/Blue Shield report
Learn more here.

Challenges That Families of People with ID/DD Face During COVID-19

October 7 NASDDDS & HSRI shared National Core Indicators bulletin
Learn more here.

Engaging Challenging Clients and Crisis Communication

August 11 ACL funded, Adult Protective Services TA Resource Center webinar materials
Learn more here.

Health Care for the Homeless, Telehealth, and COVID-19: Building the Plane While Flying It

Sept 29 National Health Care for the Homeless Council webinar materials
Learn more here.

Addressing Barriers – Homelessness, Connectivity, and Telehealth

Sept 30 HHS Asst Sec for Preparedness and Response webinar
Learn more here.

COVID-19 and Achieving Health Equity

September Senate Committee on HELP minority report
Learn more here.

National and State Strategies for Long Term Care at Home

August 31 Health Management Associates webinar materials
Learn more here.

State Actions Addressing COVID-19 in Long Term Care Facilities

October 9 ADvancing States shared Oct 2 National Governors’ Associated updated chart
Learn more here.

Experiences of Nursing Home Residents During COVID-19

October 9 ADvancing States shared Altarum survey report
Learn more here.

Pandemic Flexibilities in Long Term Care

October 6 Alliance for Health Policy webinar materials
Learn more here.

Strengthening City and Health System Partnerships

August 24 National Health of Cities, Culture of Health webinar materials
Learn more here.

Self-Care for Health Care Professionals and Responders to COVID-19

October 1 SAMHSA shared Dialogue bulletin articles
Learn more here.

Internal and Family Medicine Residents: Assessment of Disability-Specific Education and Knowledge

October 7 Disability and Health Journal shared article; there is a fee for the complete article
Learn more here.

Rural Relevant Health Quality Measures – NQF Final Recommendations

Sept 29 National Quality Forum announced final report
Learn more here.

Data Extraction for Health Systems for Quality Improvement

Sept 18 AHRQ announced report
Learn more here.

Representative Payees for Adults Eligible for SSI/SSDI – Selection Processes

Sept 18 ADvancing States announced study
Learn more here.

Health of the U.S. Nonprofit Sector

October 8 Independent Sector announced annual report
Learn more here.