Week of November 17, 2020

Facilitation for Choice and Control: Person-Centered Planning’s Best Kept Secret

October 29 ACL funded HSRI NCAPPS webinar slides
Learn more here.

Safety-Net Providers Focus on Population Health and Community Outreach as Part of Their Pandemic Response

November 2 Commonwealth Fund blog
Learn more here.

States Connect Their Health Improvement Priorities To Hospital Community Benefits

November 2 National Academy for State Health Policy blog
Learn more here.

Aligning Systems for Health: Results from Rapid Cycle Research Grants

November 10 RWJ Foundation Aligning Systems for Health webinar materials
Learn more here.

Community Resource Referral Platforms

October 9 RWJ Fd supported National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs webinar materials
Learn more here.

Health Data Sharing To Support Better Outcomes: Building a Foundation of Stakeholder Trust

November 10 PCORI announced and supported National Academy of Medicine special publication
Learn more here.

Community Health Workers and COVID-19: Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Times of Crisis and Beyond

November 5 New England Journal of Medicine blog
Learn more here.

Telemedicine Barriers and Challenges for Persons with Disabilities: COVID-19 and Beyond

November 3 Disability and Health Journal announced article; there is a fee for the entire article
Learn more here.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services – Innovations During COVID-19” Payers and Providers

November 12 ACL and CMS webinar slides
Learn more here.

Preparing a Disability-Competent Health Care Workforce: A Call for Action

November 3 Disability and Health Journal announced article; there is a fee for the entire article
Learn more here.

Team-Based Care in Community Behavioral Health Care Settings: Making the Case

November 11 NCBH announced toolkit
Learn more here.

The Intersection of the Pandemic and the Opioid Epidemic

October 8 HRSA announced Georgia Health Policy Center webinar recording
Learn more here.

Medicaid and CHIP Core Quality Measures: CMS Releases Measure Set Chart Packs

November 9 CMS announced chart packs; adult measures pack here
Learn more here.

Medicaid Expansion Did Not Crowd Out Access for Medicaid Recipients with Disabilities in Oregon

November 11 Disability and Health Journal announced pre-proof article; there is a fee for the entire article
Learn more here.

CDC’s Role in Supporting Mental and Behavioral Health

November 6 CDC panel presentation to the monthly meeting of the Mental Health Liaison Group
Learn more here.

Helping People Who Have Serious Mental Illness Develop a Crisis Plan – New SAMHSA App

October 1 SAMHSA announced app
Learn more here.

Centering Individuals with ID/DD During Crises and Emergencies

November 10 ACL funded Univ of KY MH & DD NTC webinar slides
Learn more here.

Serving Low-Income Seniors: Lessons and the Impact of COVID-19

November 6 Alliance for Health Policy briefing materials
Learn more here.

How States Increasingly Blend Performance Measurement and Evaluation

September 18 Mathematica announced reports, book, and audio summary
Learn more here.