Week of January 26, 2021

People with Higher Support Needs: Disparities in Outcomes and Organizational Supports

January 12 Council on Quality and Leadership report
Learn more here.

Needs of People with Disabilities in COVID-19: Local Health Agency Preparedness Planning, Mitigation, and Recovery

December 8 CDC funded, NACCHO announced 10 LHA awards
Learn more here.

Competitive Integrated Employment and Participant Choice

January 19 RSA-OSERS Frequently Asked Questions document
Learn more here.

Reaching People with Disabilities Through the Healthy Communities Project

January 18 Disability and Health Journal announced article; there is a fee for the complete article
Learn more here.

Home and Community-Based Services and Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Building a Research Pipeline

January 14 ACL NIDILRR hosted webinar – resources list
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid with Complex Care Needs: A Research Agenda

January 14 ACL NIDILRR hosted webinar Arnold Ventures background paper
Learn more here.

Creating Better Care for Adults with Comorbid Chronic Conditions

January 12 Mental Health America report
Learn more here.

Advancing Integration in Community Behavioral Health: Using a New General Health Integration Framework

December 3 SAMHSA-HRSA funded NCBH COEIS and Montefiore Health System webinar slides and materials; scroll down to Dec 3
Learn more here.

Improving Client Outcomes with Care Coordination

January 20 SAMHSA-HRSA funded NCBH COEIS webinar slides and materials
Learn more here.

Something Must Change: Inequities in U.S. Policy and Society

January 11 US House Committee on Ways and Means majority staff report
Learn more here.

Advancing Health Equity: Leveraging Value-Based Payment Strategies by Health Care Payers

January 19 Center for Health Care Strategies report
Learn more here.

Using Data To Improve Local Government Health Decision-Making – 3 City Examples (MI-OR-TX)

January 19 RWJ Fd funded City Health Dashboard and ICMA shared report
Learn more here.

Addressing Social Needs in Health Care Settings: Evidence, Challenges, and Opportunities for Public Health

January 21 RWJ-Kaiser Permanete funded SIREN (Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network) article
Learn more here.

Barriers To Health Care Access for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries

January 21 HRSA funded Univ MN Rural Health Research Center paper
Learn more here.

Actualizing Better Health and Health Care for Older Adults

January 18 National Academy of Medicine announced Vital Directions paper
Learn more here.

The Health Benefits of Strengthening Social Connections

January 6 SAMHSA and other federal agency funded Policy Research Associates website posting
Learn more here.

Telework and Accessibility

January 8 DOL ODEP announced PEAT web resources
Learn more here.

Strengthening the Entry-Level Health Care Work Force

December 11 HHS ASPE report
Learn more here.