Week of February 23, 2021

Physicians’ Perceptions of People with Disability and Their Health Care

February 1 Health Affairs research article and letters
Learn more here.

Negative Perceptions of Patients with Disabilities Are Widespread Among US Physicians

February 1 Mass General Hospital ILRU web posted survey summary
Learn more here.

Person-Centered Systems and Self-Assessment Practices

February 11 ACL funded, NCAPPS webinar slides
Learn more here.

Disability Rights Laws in the United States – Desktop Guide

February 17 NIDILRR NARIC funded and shared Rocky Mtn ADA Center guide
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Process: National Governors Association to the President

February 15 NGA letter
Learn more here.

Ensuring Equity in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution: Engaging Federally Qualified Health Centers

February 18 HRSA announced HRSA-CDC effort
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Pandemic Funding for Public Health

February 18 Governing shared brief
Learn more here.

Medicaid Policy Trends in 2020: COVID, Coverage, Costs

February 18 HRSA funded and announced National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) blog
Learn more here.

Sustaining Integrated Behavioral Health – Using Telehealth

February 11 HRSA funded, BHTA program webinar session #2 slides
Learn more here.

Key Considerations in Supporting Integration Supports in Programs

February 18 HRSA funded Capital Link webinar slides
Learn more here.

Medicare Coverage of Substance Abuse Disorder

February 1 Legal Action Center report
Learn more here.

African-American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

February 17 NACBHD, Feb 18 NASADAD shared SAMHSA funded Morehouse School of Medicine center
Learn more here.

SAMHSA Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant – Updated Fact Sheet

February 18 NASADAD updated SAPTBG fact sheet
Learn more here.

Health Equity Now: A Federal Policy Platform To Advance Public Health

February 18 Human Impact Partners released platform
Learn more here.

Improving Access to Care: Medicaid, Telehealth, Workforce

February 18 HRSA funded and announced National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) blog
Learn more here.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) Beneficiaries: Bridging the Digital Divide

February 18 ACL-CMS webinar slides. The technology actually failed and the webinar will be re-scheduled, but we are sharing the slides.
Learn more here.

Trends in Use of Telehealth Among Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

February 19 CDC MMWR report
Learn more here.

Functional Assessment Standardized Items – CMS

February 18 Lewin for CMS webinar slides
Learn more here.