Week of June 15, 2021

Strengthening the LTSS & HCBS Direct Care Workforce: Scaling Up and Sustaining Strategies That Work

June 3 Mathematica for CMS webinar materials
Learn more here.

HHS Launches Hot Line To Improve Access To COVID-19 Vaccines for Persons with Disabilities

June 8 ACL announced, ACL and CDC NCBDDD Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL)
Learn more here.

Public Health’s Role in Vaccinating People Who Are Homebound

June 10 seven foundations sponsored Playbook Better Care for People with Complex Needs blog
Learn more here.

FAQs About COVID-19 Vaccines That People with Disabilities Should Consider

May 26 CDC funded GA Tech Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Quality of Life of People with ID/DD

May 24 Council on Quality and Leadership announced and shared Disability and Health Journal article
Learn more here.

Paying Family Caregivers Through Medicaid Consumer-Directed Programs

June 8 NASHP shared May 21 Hartford Fd funded, NASHP webinar materials
Learn more here.

Family Caregivers – The Unrecognized Strength Behind Hospital To Home

June 10 Hartford Foundation shared Health Affairs blog
Learn more here.

Universal Screening for Health Related Social Needs in Accountable Health Communities

June 7 CMS and Mathematica announced new guide
Learn more here.

Building Trust Through Community Health Workers in a Rural Environment

June 8 National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs shared May 27 webinar slides
Learn more here.

Veterans-Directed Care – Progress Update

May 18 VA supported Applied Self-Direction webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Evolution of Person-Centered Practices

May 19 NIDILRR funded HCBS RRTC webinar materials
Learn more here.

Promises and Pitfalls of Health Information Technology in Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS)

June 3 NIDILRR funded HCBS RRTC shared NIH-HHS public access Journal of Applied Gerontology article
Learn more here.

Virtual Health Care for Adult Patients with ID/DD: A Scoping Review

June 5 Disability and Health Journal article; there is a fee for the complete article
Learn more here.

Poverty and Access To The Internet, By County

June 8 AHRQ announced new Social Determinants of Health search tool
Learn more here.

Confronting the Legacy of Scarcity: A Plan for America’s Reinvestment in Public Health

June 10 TFAH shared Yale School of Public Health and Law School report
Learn more here.

Integrating Serious Illness Care Into Primary Care Delivery

June 10 National Academy of Medicine first of two workshop webinar materials
Learn more here.

Improving Behavioral Health Follow-up Care

May 14 CMS Medicaid & CHIP webinar materials and website resource
Learn more here.

Medicaid External Quality Review: An Updated Overview

June 7 NHeLP announced November 2020 paper as part of a paper series and upcoming webinar
Learn more here.

CMS Quality Measures Report: National Impact Assessment

June 7 CMS every 3 years assessment report
Learn more here.