Week of August 3, 2021

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Closing the Coverage Coordination Gap

July 27 Alliance for Health Policy briefing materials
Learn more here.

State Strategies To Reduce Costs and Provide Quality Care for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

May 26 National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) webinar materials; includes state use of the National Core Indicators (NCI)
Learn more here.

Examining How Social Services Organizations Engage as Community Health Networks

July 28 RWJ Fd Systems for Action evidence brief
Learn more here.

Long COVID: DOJ and HHS Guidance on Disability Status

July 26 DOJ and HHS announced ADA and related legal protections guidance document
Learn more here.

Long COVID: DOJ and HHS Guidance on Disability Status (2)

July 28 HHS and DOJ stakeholder meeting – recording
Learn more here.

Lessons Learned from ADA Coordinators Working with Diverse Healthcare Organizations

July 22 NIDILRR funded Pacific ADA Center webinar materials
Learn more here.

Exploring the Role of Community Health Workers/Promotores in Care Navigation

July 23 PFCC (Patient & Family Centered Care) Partners webinar materials
Learn more here.

Exploring Managed Long-Term Services and Supports on State Medicaid Programs

July 28 Health Management Associates announced issue briefs
Learn more here.

Area Agencies on Aging-PACE Program Community-Based Partnerships

July 13 ACL funded Aging and Disability Business Institute publication. PACE = Medicare Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
Learn more here.

Examining the PACE Model of Care

July 14 Altarum seminar recording; PACE = Medicare Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
Learn more here.

Scaling Up 988: On the Road To The Ideal Crisis System

July 27 SAMHSA-NASMHPD-NCMW webinar materials
Learn more here.

Framing Health in All Policies: Terms That Resonate

July 29 ASTHO shared new ASTHO report
Learn more here.

Centering Racial Equity in Measurement and Evaluation

July 21 Urban Institute and Measure4Change webinar materials
Learn more here.

Promoting Mental Health Equity in Black Churches

July 15 NAMI webinar slides
Learn more here.

Physician Acceptance of New Medicaid Patients

July 20 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) report to Congress
Learn more here.

Hospitals Can Violate Federal Law By Denying Necessary Care for Substance Use Disorders in Emergency Departments

July 19 Legal Action Center analysis
Learn more here.

Implementation of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act in Medicaid and CHIP

July 20 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) report to Congress
Learn more here.

Identifying Credible Sources of Health Information in Social Media: Principles and Attributes

July 16 National Academy of Medicine discussion paper
Learn more here.

Patient-Centered Real-World Evidence: Methods Recommendations – National Health Council

July 29 shared report, July 30 webinar – NHC consensus process
Learn more here.