Week of August 17, 2021

State Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) Programs Responses to COVID-19: 50 State Survey

August 10 Kaiser Family Foundation study
Learn more here.

Translating Lived Experience To Becoming a Community Health Worker

August 12 HRSA supported NACHW shared Aug 5 webinar materials
Learn more here.

Integrating Peers (Mental Health) in Crisis Response Services

August 10 SAMHSA-NASMHPD-NAMI webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Chronic Misunderstanding of the Peer Role in Behavioral Health (and Crises)

August 13 NASMHPD shared SAMHSA supported, multi-coalition, Crisis Talk blog
Learn more here.

The Need for Equity in Mental Health Peer Support

August 5 SAMHSA-MHA webinar recording
Learn more here.

Understanding and Increasing Supported Decision-Making’s Positive Impact on Community Living and Participation Outcomes

August 11 NIDILRR NARIC announced Syracuse Univ BBI journal article
Learn more here.

What Are Patient-Centered Outcomes and Why Aren’t All Health Outcomes Considered “Patient-Centered”?

August 11 National Health Council webinar materials
Learn more here.

Measuring What Matters in Complex Care: New Options To Access Patient and Staff Perspectives

August 12 seven foundations supported Playbook Better Care for People with Complex Needs blog
Learn more here.

Community Resource Specialists in Aging/Disabilities – Training

August 12 ACL supported ADvancing States announced training; scroll down the list of featured courses
Learn more here.

National Survey on Disability and the Fitness Industry: Share Your Thoughts

August 11 CDC supported National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability (NCHPAD) at Lakeshore Foundation request
Learn more here.

Guidelines for Delivering Tele-Wellness Programs for Older Adults with Disabilities

August 11 NIDILRR NARIC shared GA Tech Univ RERC TechSAge tool
Learn more here.

Not Your Mother’s Health Care: Surveying Consumer Experiences with Telehealth Services

August 4 Bipartisan Policy Center webinar materials
Learn more here.

Medicaid Coverage of Telehealth Services

August 10 NHeLP webinar materials
Learn more here.

Telehealth Optimization Updated Guide for Community Health Centers

August 10 HRSA Primary Health Care Digest shared NACHC guide
Learn more here.

Community Health Centers Telehealth Promising Practices: Case Studies from the COVID-19 Pandemic

August 3 HRSA Primary Health Care Digest shared NACHC study
Learn more here.

Supporting Older Adults with Mental Illness and Co-Morbid Health Conditions

July 29 SAMHSA-NASMHPD-MHA webinar materials
Learn more here.

Aligning Public Health Interventions with Older Adult Housing Needs and Challenges

August 9 TFAH brief
Learn more here.

Medicare Payment for Complex Rehabilitation Wheelchairs and Related Accessories

August 4 CMS final Federal Register rule
Learn more here.

CDC Grant Funding Profiles

August 12 CDC announced profiles
Learn more here.

State Residential Treatment for Behavioral Health Conditions: Regulation and Policy

August 2 HHS ASPE report
Learn more here.