Week of September 21, 2021

Promoting Health Equity in Medicaid Managed Care: A Guide for States

September 15 NAMD shared RWJ Fd supported State Health and Value Strategies guide
Learn more here.

Community Participation Reduces Emergency Room Visits for People with ID-DD and Behavior Support Needs

August 12 Council on Quality and Leadership analysis
Learn more here.

New Hospital Rankings Unveil Deficits in Direct Contributions to Communities

August 16 Community Catalyst blog

Learn more here

Community Benefit 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Planning and Reporting Community Benefit

August 31 TFAH announced Catholic Health Assn October 12-14 course
Learn more here.

Community Health Workers – Successful Supervision

August 5 NACHW shared Center for Health Impact curriculum
Learn more here.

ACL Announces 2021 National Chronic Disease Self-Management Resource Center Award

August 31 ACL announcement
Learn more here.

Chronic Diseases: Advancing Health Equity, Eliminating Health Disparities, and Improving Population Health

August 13 Preventing Chronic Disease Journal announced new articles
Learn more here.

CDC Releases State-Specific Data on Adult Obesity Prevalence

September 15 CDC announcement
Learn more here.

State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America – 18th Annual Report

September 15 TFAH report
Learn more here.

Strategies, Methods, and Measurement for Studying Health Disparities (NIH)

September 17 Aligning for Health shared National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities shared resources
Learn more here.

Social Determinants of Health – A Health-Plan-Sponsored Population Health Initiative

RWJ Foundation Systems for Action sponsored Humana webinar presentation
Learn more here.

Availability of Post-Acute Care and Long-Term Care Services in Rural Areas

September 14 HRSA Rural Health Research and Policy Centers webinar slides
Learn more here.

Rural Telehealth and Healthcare System Readiness: Quality Measures Framework for Public Comment

September 16 National Quality Forum draft report with October 8 comment deadline
Learn more here.

Improving the Availability of Long Term Care

September 14 Bipartisan Policy Center report and briefing
Learn more here.

State Collaborations To Address Substance Use Disorder in Justice-Involved Populations – Lessons Learned

September 16 NASADAD shared Sept 15 National Governors’ Association policy brief
Learn more here.

Online Recovery (Substance Use Disorders) Support Communities

August HHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships recovery communities list
Learn more here.

Equipping Faith-Based Communities To Respond to Substance Use Disorders

September 15 HHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships webinar slides.
Learn more here.

An Equity Agenda for the Field of Health Care Quality Improvement

September 15 National Academy of Medicine discussion paper
Learn more here.

Risk Adjustment by Social and Functional Risk – Final Technical Guidance

September 15 National Quality Forum final report
Learn more here.