Week of May 3, 2022

The Evolution of Disability Language: Choosing Terms To Describe Disability

April 13 Disability and Health Journal pre-proof article

2022 County Health Rankings National Findings Report

April 27 RWJ Fd supported 2022 County Health Rankings report and materials

Building Capacity for Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Preparedness Planning and Response

April 28 CDC NCBDDD announced CDC web page collaboration with ASTHO and NACCHO

9-8-8: States’ Options and Choices in Financing 9-8-8 and Crisis Services and Systems

April 29 NASMHPD shared NASMHPD & Vibrant report

Bridging the Gap Between Medicaid and Behavioral Health (and Preparing for the 9-8-8- Launch)

April 26 NAMD shared #Crisis Talk April 19 interview with NAMD

Physical Health-Behavioral Health: A Comprehensive Health Care Integration Framework

April 27 National Council for Mental Wellbeing webinar and white paper proposal

Increasing the Capacity To Serve Individuals with Co-Occurring ID/DD and Mental Health Disabilities

April 27 ACL funding opportunity announcement, with June 21 application deadline, that provides an excellent overview of recent federal govt activities to address the barriers and challenges of persons with these co-occurring disabilities.

Matching Patients To Primary Care To Drive Better Health

April 26 Primary Care Collaborative (PCC) webinar materials

Person-Centered Care: Why Taking Individuals’ Care Preferences Into Account Matters

April 26 PCC webinar shared Community Catalyst-Scan Fd-Leading Age March publication

Increasing Substance Use Treatment and Supports Into Primary Care

April 27 Center for Health Care Strategies shared CA community clinic study

Integrating Behavioral Health Supports Into Respite Care for People Experiencing Homelessness

March 17 SAMHSA HHRC webinar materials

Community Health Workers Bridge the Gap for Providers and Communities

April 27 Community Catalyst blog

Community Health Workers Delivered Supports To Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Rural Areas

April 28 HRSA FORHP shared April 14 Journal of Health Promotion article

Competency Assessments for Public Health Professionals – Updated Tools

April 27 Public Health Foundation announced updated tools

Optimizing the Medicare Home Health Benefit To Improve Outcomes and Reduce Disparities

April 28 Bipartisan Policy Center briefing and report

The Americans with Disabilities Act and Combating Discrimination in the Opioid Crisis

April 27 NIDILRR NARIC shared Dept of Justice, Civil Rights Div guidance paper

State Strategies To Support Telehealth Infrastructure

April 26 NASHP and Mercer shared April 7 webinar recording

Housing Instability and Health Impacts and Relationships

April 28 Playbook Better Care for People with Complex Needs announced podcasts and resource collections

Community Health Center Data Reporting Requirements

April 26 HRSA Primary Health Care Digest shared 2022 uniform data system manual

HHS OIG – Some Medicare Advantage Organizations Deny Medically Necessary Care Through “Prior Authorization”

April 27 HHS Office of the Inspector General report