Application of Behavioral Health Insurance Parity (MHPAEA) To Medicaid and CHIP (2)

AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined a Legal Action Center led, through the Coalition for Whole Health, comments to CMS on the application of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) to Medicaid and CHIP. Earlier (Nov 28) we posted the Kennedy Forum, through the MHLG, comments that we joined.  The LAC letter advocates an expansive enforcement, standardized, and uniform administrative role for CMS. The recommendations are far beyond the capacity and capability of most state Medicaid agencies. We signed given: (1) The importance of the questions/issues raised. (2) Excellent and detailed documentation of disparities and discriminatory practices. (3) Assuming Congress understood that implementing parity in Medicaid/CHIP should use the same standards as DOL and CCIIO in private insurance, the issues are excellently cross-walked. (4) Multiple colleague advocate organizations joined the submission. The December 4  LAC response to CMS’s request for comments is here: PDF.