Technology-assisted programmes to promote leisure engagement in persons with acquired brain injury and profound multiple disabilities: two case studies


Lancioni GE, Singh NN, O’reilly MF, Sigafoos J, De Pace C, Chiapparino C, Ricci I, Navarro J, Addante LM, Spica A.

Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2011;6(5):412-9. doi: 10.3109/17483107.2011.580899. Epub 2011 May 11.

SOURCE:  Department of Psychology, University of Bari, Italy.

OBJECTIVE:  To evaluate technology-assisted programmes for enabling a woman and a man with brain injury and profound multiple disabilities to acquire leisure engagement. METHOD. The technology for the woman (Study I) involved a portable computer with mouse, a Clicker 4 software package, a touch/pressure microswitch, and an interface to connect the Clicker with the microswitch. This technology allowed the woman to choose with a simple hand response among four stimulus categories (e.g., watching a film and interacting with others), each of which included several alternatives. The technology for the man (Study II) involved a computer-based choice system that allowed him to select preferred songs through a microswitch-aided finger-movement response. RESULTS. Data showed that the two participants learned to use the technology available and selected among the stimulus events thus reaching positive leisure engagement. CONCLUSION. Technology-assisted programmes may provide persons with acquired brain injury and multiple disabilities leisure engagement opportunities.