The Cash and Counseling model of self-directed long-term care: Effectiveness with young adults with disabilities

Melissa L. Harry, Ph.D., M.S.W, Kevin J. Mahoney, Ph.D., M.S.W., Ellen K. Mahoney, Ph.D., Ce Shen, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 10, Issue 4, p492–501 DOI:   Background Young adults with disabilities face numerous barriers to independence and achieving markers of adulthood. Qualitative evidence suggests that flexible, self-directed budgets for purchasing home and community-based services might help fill an identified […]

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Health of US parents with and without disabilities

Henan Li, PhD, Susan L. Parish, PhD, MSW, Monika Mitra, PhD, Joanne Nicholson, PhD Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 10, Issue 2, p303–307 DOI:   Background The health of parents with disabilities is not well understood. Existing research has used small, non-representative samples. The lack of research using national representative data has hindered advocacy and policy-making efforts. Objective In the […]

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The cross-sectional association between severity of non-cognitive disability and self-reported worsening memory

Brad Cannell, Ph.D., M.P.H., Erin D. Bouldin, Ph.D., M.P.H., Kari Teigen, Wajiha Z. Akhtar, M.P.H., Elena M. Andresen, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 2, p289–297 Background Research has demonstrated a clear association between cognitive decline and non-cognitive disability; however, all of these studies focus on disability as a correlate or result […]

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Leisure-Time Physical Activity in adults with Cerebral Palsy

Koyo Usuba, M.Sc., Bruce Oddson, Ph.D., Alain Gauthier, Ph.D., Nancy L. Young, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal, October 2015 Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 611–618 DOI: Background Cerebral Palsy (CP) is becoming more prevalent in the adult population, but there is limited information available regarding their Leisure-Time Physical Activity (LTPA). Objective To investigate the self-reported frequency and LTPA participation […]

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