An assessment tool for the older person with spinal cord injury.

Normal aging changes intensify the chronic problems that are experienced by individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). These changes place them at greater risk for developing vital systems failure and functional impairments, which if unrecognized, may lead to institutionalization or death. Understanding the trajectory of aging, and its impact on structure and function, is paramount […]

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Aging and spinal cord injury: medical, functional, and psychosocial changes.

Fifty years ago, people who had a spinal cord injury had very limited life expectancies. Today, these individuals can expect to live into their 60s, 70s, and beyond. Advances in rehabilitation, technology, surgery, and medicines have been chiefly responsible for this change. Recent research in both Europe and the United States now indicates that as […]

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Maximizing health in menopausal women with disabilities.

There are nearly 30 million women with disabilities in the United States. Of these, more than 16 million are over the age of 50. Years ago, women with disabilities did not commonly live to the age of menopause, and, if they did, they reached this stage of life in a very debilitated condition. Now, women […]

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Health characteristics and health services utilization in older adults with intellectual disability living in community residences.

Background: The health status and health needs of adults with intellectual disability (ID) change with advancing age, and are often accompanied by difficulties with vision, hearing, mobility, stamina and some mental processes. Objective: The present study collected health status information on a large cohort of adults with ID aged > or = 40 years living […]

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Comorbidities and impairments explaining the association between diabetes and lower extremity disability: The Women’s Health and Aging Study.

Objective: To elucidate the role of diabetes-related impairments and comorbidities in the association between diabetes and physical disability, this study examined the association between diabetes and lower extremity function in a sample of disabled older women. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of 1,002 women (aged >or=65 years) enrolled in the Women’s Health and Aging Study (one-third most […]

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Spinal cord injury medicine. 5. Preserving wellness and independence of the aging patient with spinal cord injury: a primary care approach for the rehabilitation medicine specialist.

This self-directed learning module highlights consideration and treatment of individuals with long-term spinal cord injury (SCI). It is part of the chapter on SCI medicine in the Self-Directed Physiatric Education Program for practitioners and trainees in physical medicine and rehabilitation. This article specifically focuses on the challenges of chronic disease prevention, diagnosis, therapeutic options, and the resultant […]

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International differences in aging and spinal cord injury.

Design: The present study is part of a programme of longitudinal research on ageing and spinal cord injury involving three populations – American, British and Canadian. The design was multivariate. Objective: To identify international differences in outcomes associated with ageing and spinal cord injury. Setting: A sample of 352 participants was assembled from five large, […]

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Olfactory impairment increases as a function of age in persons with Down syndrome.

Neuropathology similar to that found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has consistently been observed in older individuals with Down syndrome (DS) and this neuropathology is particularly prevalent in areas involved in olfaction. The present study investigated the effects of age on the expression of olfactory impairment in Down syndrome to address […]

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Menopause and aging with disability.

Aging involves change and adaptation to change. The normal or usual changes of aging often have significantly greater impact on an individual whose disability has limited his or her physical or socioeconomic reserves. The aging process itself may be accelerated by overuse and compensatory mechanisms. The changes of aging have unique features in damaged body […]

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Aging in individuals with lifelong disabilities.

The major research data and findings related to aging among persons with developmental disabilities are discussed. Differences between the aging processes noted in the general population and individuals who have developmental disabilities are highlighted. Topics addressed include prevalence of developmental disabilities and mortality rates for individuals with developmental disabilities. The effects of aging on the […]

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