Accuracy of the FitBit at walking speeds and cadences relevant to clinical rehabilitation populations

Abhishek K. Singh, M.Clin.Rehab., Craig Farmer, B.Sc. (physio.), Maayken L.E. Van Den Berg, Ph.D., Maggie Killington, Ph.D., Christopher J. Barr, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 2, p320–323 DOI:   Background Activity monitoring is used for motivation and assessing patients in the rehabilitation setting. Monitors available on the market have not been […]

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Development of an audio-computer assisted self-interview to investigate violence and health in the lives of adults with developmental disabilities

Mary Oschwald, Ph.D., Sandy Leotti, M.S.W., Dora Raymaker, M.S., Marsha Katz, M.S.Ed., Rebecca Goe, M.A., Mark Harviston, B.S., Annie Wallington, Lisa Howard, Leanne Beers, M.S., Christina Nicolaidis, M.D., Susan Robinson-Whelen, Ph.D., Rosemary B. Hughes, Ph.D., Emily Lund, M.A., Laurie E. Powers, Ph.D., the Partnering with People with Disabilities to Address Violence Consortium jThe Partnering with […]

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Perspectives of patients with disabilities on the accessibility of medical equipment: Examination tables, imaging equipment, medical chairs, and weight scales

Molly Follette Story, Ph.D., Erin Schwier, O.T.D., O.T.R., June Isaacson Kailes, M.S.W. Disability and Health Journal, October 2009 Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 169–179.e1 DOI: Abstract Background In a prior survey, patients with disabilities reported difficulty using many common types of medical equipment. Objectives The purpose of this study was to conduct focus groups to explore in […]

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Perspectives on use of mobility aids in a diverse population of seniors: Implications for intervention

Linda Resnik, P.T., Ph.D., Susan Allen, Ph.D., Deborah Isenstadt, M.B.A., Melanie Wasserman, Ph.D., Lisa Iezzoni, M.D., M.Sc. Providence VA Medical Center, Providence, RI 02908, USA Department of Community Health, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA Abt Associates, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Harvard University and Institute for Health Policy, Boston, MA 02114, USA Beth Israel University […]

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Patterns of mobility aid use among working-age persons with multiple sclerosis living in the community in the United States

Lisa I. Iezzoni, M.D., M.Sc.†, Sowmya R. Rao, Ph.D., R. Philip Kinkel, M.D. †Although Dr Iezzoni has occasionally spoken and assisted in educational sessions sponsored by NMSS local chapters around the country, she has never accepted payment for any of these activities. This research was supported by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), Contract No. […]

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Employer benefits from making workplace accommodations

Tatiana I. Solovieva, Ed.D., Denetta L. Dowler, Ed.D., Richard T. Walls, Ph.D. International Center for Disability Information, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV Published Online: April 26, 2010 DOI: Background: This study explored workplace disability accommodations and their benefits. The participants were employers and human resource professionals who had not used the services of the Job […]

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Assistive technology use of older American Indians in a southeastern tribe: the native elder care study

Goins RT, Spencer SM, Goli S, Rogers JC.  Department of Community Medicine, Center on Aging, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506, USA.  J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010 Nov;58(11):2185-90. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2010.03140.x. The objectives of this study were to examine the prevalence of assistive technology (AT) use, type of assistance used for each activity of […]

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Effects of an assistive technology intervention on older adults with disabilities and their informal caregivers: an exploratory randomized controlled trial.

Mortenson WB, Demers L, Fuhrer MJ, Jutai JW, Lenker J, DeRuyter F. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Apr;92(4):297-306. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31827d65bf. SOURCE:  Centre de recherche de l’institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Montreal, PQ, Canada. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to demonstrate experimentally that an assistive technology (AT) intervention improves older AT users’ […]

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How assistive technology use by individuals with disabilities impacts their caregivers: a systematic review of the research evidence.

Mortenson WB, Demers L, Fuhrer MJ, Jutai JW, Lenker J, DeRuyter F. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Nov;91(11):984-98. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e318269eceb. SOURCE:  Centre de recherche de l’institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Montreal, Canada. Informal caregivers are a critical yet frequently unacknowledged part of the healthcare system. It is commonly presumed that providing assistive technology […]

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A conceptual framework for electronic socio-emotional support for people with special needs

Shpigelman CN, Reiter S, Weiss PL.  Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel.  Int J Rehabil Res. 2009 Dec;32(4):301-8. doi: 10.1097/MRR.0b013e32831e4519. In recent years an increasing number of people under psychological distress turn to computer-mediated communication for support. A related development is the increasing number of computer-mediated support groups […]

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