Universal design of research: inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream biomedical studies.

Although persons with disabilities of all kinds have as wide a range of health conditions as the general population, they are profoundly underrepresented in mainstream health research. Such underrepresentation might contribute to the health disparities in this population. We propose the concept of Universal Design of Research (UDR), which would promote routine inclusion of persons […]

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Underserved farmers with disabilities: designing an AgrAbility program to address health disparities.

Awareness of health disparities is crucial for individuals with disabilities to minimize additional health-related challenges. Adding rural residence and age to disability creates a triple threat in terms of potential health disparities. Kentucky AgrAbility is developing innovative new partnerships with the goal of expanding service provision to underserved populations with disabilities in Kentucky: women, minority, […]

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Health disparities among adults with physical disabilities or cognitive limitations compared to individuals with no disabilities in the United States.

BACKGROUND: National survey data indicate the number of individuals reporting a disability is rising. Those with disabilities experience a large number of barriers to health promotion and disease prevention programming. However, only a limited number of studies have used nationally representative data to examine the health status of individuals with disabilities in comparison to those […]

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Disability in cultural competency pharmacy education.

Improving health care providers’ knowledge and ability to provide culturally competent care can limit the health disparities experienced by disadvantaged populations. As racial and ethnic cultures dominate cultural competency topics in education, alternative cultures such as disability have consistently been underrepresented. This article will make the case that persons with disabilities have a unique cultural […]

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Health disparities in low-income families with infants and toddlers: needs and challenges related to disability.

This study examines disparities in health status, health care utilization, insurance coverage and satisfaction in US low-income parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities compared to low-income parents of children without disabilities. The Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project is a longitudinal study involving 2087 families in 17 communities across the United States. Families […]

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Racial and ethnic differences in diabetes mellitus among people with and without psychiatric disorders: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.

OBJECTIVE:   This study examined racial/ethnic differences in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in a nationally representative sample of adults with and without common psychiatric disorders. METHOD:  Data were drawn from Wave 2 of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (N=34,653). Logistic regression models adjusting for sociodemographic variables and diabetes risk factors were […]

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Health Disparities Research: Measurements of Health Status

The myth and reality of disability prevalence: measuring disability for research and service. McDermott S, Turk MA.  Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, SC 29208, USA. suzanne.mcdermott@uscmed.sc.edu  Disabil Health J. 2011 Jan;4(1):1-5. Epub 2010 Nov 5. The concept of disability has medical, functional, and social components. We […]

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Evolving views of disability and public health: The roles of advocacy and public health.

Promoting health, quality of life, and participation of persons with disabilities is a relatively recent development in public health. Its brief history reflects three distinct public health perspectives toward disability—a traditional approach that focuses on preventing disability, a contemporary approach that regards disability as a minority group experiencing disparities relative to people without disabilities, and an […]

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Health risk profile for older adults with blindness: an application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health framework.

PURPOSE:   To develop a health risk profile for adults age 65 years or older with blindness, using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as our conceptual framework. METHODS:   We combined and analyzed data from the 2000-2006 National Health Interview Survey after backcoding questions to the ICF. We compared older adults with blindness […]

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Health Disparities Research: Services for People with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities

Uncovering health care inequalities among adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Ward RL, Nichols AD, Freedman RI.  Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice, SUNY Fredonia, NY 14063, USA. rolanda.ward@gmail.com  Health Soc Work. 2010 Nov;35(4):280-90. Even as attention is drawn to the increasing number of individuals who experience health inequalities in the United […]

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