Forgoing physician visits because of cost: a source of health disparities for elderly people with disabilities?

OBJECTIVE:  To examine disparities in having a usual source of care and forgoing physician visits because of cost between elderly people (age > or =65y) with and without disabilities after consecutively controlling for predisposing, enabling, and perceived and evaluated health need factors using the Andersen behavioral model, and to identify the determinants of such disparities. […]

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Estimates of state-level health-care expenditures associated with disability.

OBJECTIVES:   We estimated state-level disability-associated health-care expenditures (DAHE) for the U.S. adult population. METHODS:   We used a two-part model to estimate DAHE for the noninstitutionalized U.S. civilian adult population using data from the 2002-2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and state-level data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Administrative data for people in institutions were […]

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Health disparities among Latinas aging with disabilities.

Latinas with disabilities report greater levels of disablement than non-Hispanic, White women with disabilities. Over the life course, Latinas experience increased numbers of functional limitations, more difficulties with activities of daily living, and more unemployment due to impairments. The reasons for this health disparity are unclear. The purpose of this article is to explore the […]

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Racial/ethnic disparities in self-rated health status among adults with and without disabilities–United States, 2004-2006.

Self-rated health status has been found to be an independent predictor of morbidity and mortality, and racial/ethnic disparities in self-rated health status persist among the U.S. adult population. Black and Hispanic adults are more likely to report their general health status as fair or poor compared with white adults. In addition, the prevalence of disability […]

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Does race influence age of diagnosis for children with developmental delay?

BACKGROUND:  Early identification of developmental delay is important for ensuring that children receive the early intervention services they need. Racial disparities exist for a number of childhood conditions, but it is not known whether there are racial disparities in the age of diagnosis with developmental delay. OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS:  This study aimed to determine the mean age of diagnosis with […]

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Overweight and obesity in women with physical disabilities: Associations with demographic and disability characteristics and secondary conditions.

BACKGROUND:  This cross-sectional study was designed to examine weight in association with demographic and disability characteristics and secondary conditions in a sample of community living women with physical disabilities. METHODS:  443 predominantly ethnic minority women with physical disabilities were recruited through public and private health clinics and community organizations. They completed questionnaires including measures of […]

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Cost disparities in lung cancer treatment by disability status, sex, and race.

BACKGROUND:  The recent literature contains numerous reports of disparities in the diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of lung cancer across a growing list of population subgroups, including disability status. A common assumption is that disparities stem mainly from variations in the level and type of treatment resources available to specific subgroups. Few studies, however, have directly measured resource differentials. Since […]

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A review of malocclusion among individuals with mental and physical disabilities.

Oral health disparities between individuals with disabilities and the general population are widely reported in the literature, and malocclusion is no exception. As the number of people living with disabilities grows, so does the need to explore their oral health status. This review examines the reported prevalence of malocclusion in individuals with Down syndrome (DS), […]

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