Can people catastrophize barriers? An exploratory analysis of the association between pain catastrophizing and perceptions of environmental factors

Craig Ravesloot, Ph.D., Cathy Berendts, Alex Schiwal Disability and Health Journal, January 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 65–72 DOI:     Background Measurement of the environment is taking on increased importance for understanding variability in participation. Most measures of the environment use subjective ratings, yet little is known about how people appraise the environment. Objective Hypothesis: We conducted […]

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Why stay home? Temporal association of pain, fatigue and depression with being at home

Craig Ravesloot, Ph.D Bryce Ward, Ph.D., Tannis Hargrove, M.A., Jennifer Wong, M.A., Nick Livingston, M.A., Linda Torma, Ph.D., Catherine Ipsen, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 2, p218–225 Published online: November 25, 2015 DOI: Background Community participation is important to most people with disabilities despite the fact that common secondary conditions like […]

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Perception of secondary conditions in adults with spina bifida and impact on daily life

Robert Wagner, M.D., Ronna Linroth, O.T., Ph.D., Candice Gangl, O.T.D., O.T.R/L., Nancy Mitchell, M.A., O.T.R/L., Michelle Hall, C.P.O., .A.A.O.P.,Rhonda Cady, Ph.D., R.N.,Matthew Christenson, B.S. Disability and Health Journal, October 2015 Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 492–498 DOI: Background Spina bifida is a congenital defect of the neural tube resulting in motor and sensory disruption. Persons with spina bifida can also experience […]

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Are physiotherapists reliable proxies for the recognition of pain in individuals with cerebral palsy? A cross sectional study

Inmaculada Riquelme, Ph.D., Ignacio Cifre, Ph.D., Pedro Montoya, Ph.D. DOI: Background Pain is an important problem for individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). In addition to pain associated to the pathology, individuals with CP are often exposed to physiotherapy procedures which may cause or relieve pain. Objective The major aim of this study was to […]

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