How a woman’s sexual adjustment after sustaining a spinal cord injury impacts sexual health interventions.

This qualitative study describes the female experience of sexual adjustment after spinal cord injury (SCI) in relation to the need for sexual health intervention. Ten women with SCI were interviewed using a predetermined, semistructured set of questions. Audiotaping and field notes were utilized to gather data. The investigators used consensus validation to complete data analysis, […]

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Sexually intrusive behaviour following brain injury: approaches to assessment and rehabilitation.

Sexually intrusive behaviour, which may range from inappropriate commentary to rape, is often observed following a traumatic brain injury. It may represent novel behaviour patterns or an exacerbation of pre-injury personality traits, attitudes, and tendencies. Sexually intrusive behaviour poses a risk to staff and residents of residential facilities and to the community at large, and […]

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Sexuality and schizophrenia: a review.

Sexual functioning has received little attention as an important aspect of patient care for those suffering from severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Yet, it has been implicated as one of the major factors contributing to noncompliance with antipsychotic medications and is documented by people with schizophrenia to be one of the areas of treatment […]

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National survey of sexual behavior and sexual behavior policies in facilities for individuals with mental retardation/developmental disabilities.

To obtain information regarding sexual behavior and related policies in state residential facilities for individuals with mental retardation/developmental disabilities, we sent surveys to 168 members listed in the Association of Public Developmental Disabilities Administrators 1998-1999 directory. Response rate was 68.5%. For the 46 facilities where 50% or fewer of clients had profound retardation, sexual relations […]

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The sexual health needs of people with learning disabilities.

The sexual health of people with learning disabilities raises important management and practice issues for health services, and should be examined in the context of the current policy emphasis on advocacy, person-centred services and social inclusion (Department of Health, 2001). People with learning disabilities may have limited access to mainstream health services, and sexual health […]

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The experience of sexuality for individuals living with multiple sclerosis.

Little is known of the experience of sexuality among people living with multiple sclerosis (MS). This Roy Adaptation Model-based study focused on identifying the experiences of sexuality reported by individuals living with MS. A qualitative, naturalistic case study method was employed. Five women and three men diagnosed with MS were interviewed by telephone three times […]

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Promoting sexuality across the life span for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Sexuality is a human right that is important to all individuals regardless of age, gender, orientation, or developmental level. Sexuality is closely related to a person’s self-concept and self-esteem. Individuals with I/DD have a right to sexuality and sexual expression. Nevertheless, persons with I/DD have historically been denied this right, and many structural and attitudinal […]

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Sexuality in persons with limb amputation.

Eighty-five (85) persons with limb amputation participated in a self-report survey with the aim of describing their physical and psychological status in their sexual life. The questionnaire was organised to reveal not only the physical aspect of sexual life but also life satisfaction. The results indicated that: 1) 43.5% of the respondents talked about sexual […]

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