A community integration approach to social determinants of health in New Mexico.

Lifestyle and Values Impacting Diabetes Awareness (LA VIDA), a community-based diabetes intervention program targeting Hispanics in southwestern New Mexico, addresses social determinants of health by utilizing promotores and collaborating with community partners and health care providers. Using a mixed-methods approach, a program evaluation documented the promotores’ crucial role in providing social support, contributing to social […]

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Conceptual framework of the Controlling Asthma in American Cities Project.

The Controlling Asthma in American Cities Project (CAACP) was designed to improve the control of asthma in inner-city populations of children with a disparate burden of symptoms and adverse outcomes. As with many chronic diseases, asthma is the manifestation of multiple biologic, environmental, and social determinants. In addition to appropriate medical management, individuals with asthma […]

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Social determinants of state variation in special education participation among preschoolers with developmental delays and disabilities.

Children with developmental disabilities are at risk for secondary complications and lower academic performance, which contributes to lower health and well-being and may be ameliorated by access to special education services. This paper examines state variability in preschool special education participation among a United States population-based cohort with parent-reported developmental delays and disabilities. Analyses explore […]

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Reporting diet-related health issues through newspapers: portrayal of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.

This study identifies (i) the extent to which newsprint media communicate to their readers the lifestyle factors associated with the development of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes and (ii) newspaper portrayal of social determinants affecting onset of disease. A content analysis of five leading UK national newspapers and their Sunday equivalents was conducted over […]

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Social capital and glucose control.

There is a growing diabetes epidemic in the United States and if we are to halt its progress we need to better understand the social determinants of this disease and its control. Social capital, which has been associated with general health and mortality, may be one important mediator of glucose control. In this study we […]

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Capability and clinical success.

Better outcomes for chronic diseases remain elusive because success depends on events outside the control of the health care system: patients’ ability to mange their health behaviors and chronic diseases. Among the most powerful influences on self-management are the social and environmental constraints on healthy living, yet the clinical response to these environmental determinants is […]

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Why social determinants?

There is overwhelming evidence that social factors have profound influences on health. Children are particularly sensitive to social determinants, especially in the early years. Life course models view health as a developmental process, the product of multiple gene and environment interactions. Adverse early social exposures become programmed into biological systems, setting off chains of risk […]

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Addressing the determinants of child mental health: intersectionality as a guide to primary health care renewal.

Primary health care (PHC) renewal was designed explicitly to attend to the multidimensional factors impacting on health, including the social determinants of health. These determinants are central considerations in the development of integrated, cross-sectoral, and multi-jurisdictional policies such as those that inform models of shared mental health care for children. However, there are complex theoretical […]

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